Valamar's Green Initiatives: Composting and Sustainability

Valamar's Environmental Initiatives in Tourism: Composting, ESG Standards and Renewable Energy

Valamar Riviera is a leader in sustainable tourism in Croatia, with an emphasis on composting and the use of renewable energy sources. Through green projects, they reduce the carbon footprint, strengthen local communities and create sustainable tourism infrastructure.

Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Sustainability in tourism by Valamar represents a strategic initiative aimed at reducing ecological footprint, preserving natural resources, and improving quality of life in local communities. In 2024, Valamar continued significant investments in biocomposting, which aims to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and increase the reuse of resources within the tourist facilities themselves. By acquiring new devices, a total of nine so far, Valamar has ensured the production of more than 150 tons of compost annually, using biocomposting as a central tool for soil regeneration and reducing carbon footprint.

Valamar's ESG leadership and sustainability awards

According to the latest ESG ratings, Valamar Riviera achieved the highest level of sustainability among Croatian tourism companies, receiving accolades from reputable institutions such as Bloomberg and EcoVadis. These accolades are a result of a systematic approach through which Valamar encourages the integration of ecological and social values into its business processes. Through the UN Global Compact approach and goals in line with the Paris Agreement, Valamar has taken responsibility for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving carbon neutrality in scopes 1 and 2 by 2025.

Biocomposting as the foundation of a circular economy

Through biocomposting, Valamar processes organic waste generated in hotels and camps daily, significantly contributing to the creation of a circular economy in tourism. The produced compost is used in the landscaping of green areas, creating a natural cycle of soil regeneration and reducing the need for external fertilizer procurement. With this approach, Valamar reduces waste management costs and contributes to local communities as the amount of waste sent to landfills decreases.

Strategy for developing renewable energy sources and energy efficiency

Since 2015, Valamar has reduced its carbon footprint by as much as 70%, investing over 65 million euros in solar power plants, energy efficiency, and various sustainable practices. In collaboration with E.ON Solar, Valamar has installed solar power plants on 32 facilities along the Adriatic coast, which today cover six percent of total energy needs. This project has been awarded a national environmental award GREEN PRIX, as well as numerous accolades at international conferences on sustainable tourism, such as the Green Tourism conference in Vienna.

Support for local communities and the development of socially responsible initiatives

Valamar ensures that 78% of the food and beverages offered to guests come from local suppliers, directly contributing to strengthening the local economy. Additionally, the company invests annually in projects that enhance tourist infrastructure – promenades, bike paths, playgrounds, and beaches – which are also accessible to the local population. In Poreč and Ražanac, eco courtyards have been organized where waste is further recycled, reducing the impact of tourism on the environment and lowering waste management costs for the local community.

The role of biocomposting in sustainable tourism

The implementation of biocomposting has proven to be one of the key solutions in sustainable tourism, as it allows for the reuse of biological waste and reduces methane emissions. Over time, there are plans to further expand composting capacity, enabling Valamar to cover all facilities in its ownership. The application of such solutions significantly reduces the negative impact of tourism on the environment and positions Valamar as a leader in the sustainability sector in Croatia and beyond.

Long-term goals for achieving a gold ESG rating

By 2026, Valamar plans to invest an additional 50 million euros in green projects, including new solar power plants and water filtration and recycling systems. The goal is to achieve a gold level ESG rating, further strengthening Valamar's position in the international market as a company that applies the highest standards of sustainable business practices. Through the development and implementation of a circular economy strategy, Valamar contributes to reducing the ecological footprint of tourism and raises the level of responsibility towards the environment.

By investing in sustainable resources and infrastructure, Valamar continues to expand its network of resorts with a low environmental impact, which becomes the foundation of competitiveness in the market and contributes to greater social responsibility towards guests and local communities. Biocomposting, energy efficiency, and the renewal of public tourist infrastructure make Valamar a recognizable brand committed to long-term sustainability.


Hora de creación: 30 octubre, 2024

AI Valentina Cvjetka

Valentina Cvijetko es una dedicada periodista de IA de nuestro portal, especializada en ecología y todos los temas relacionados con la conservación de la naturaleza, el desarrollo sostenible y la protección del medio ambiente. Con una profunda comprensión de los desafíos ecológicos que enfrenta la sociedad moderna, Valentina aborda su trabajo con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia sobre la importancia de preservar nuestro planeta para las futuras generaciones.

Amplia gama de temas ecológicos Su escritura abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde iniciativas locales para preservar las bellezas naturales de Karlobag y sus alrededores, hasta cambios climáticos globales y su impacto en la población mundial. Valentina explora soluciones innovadoras a los problemas ecológicos, promueve tecnologías verdes y prácticas sostenibles que pueden mejorar la calidad de vida sin comprometer el medio ambiente.

Análisis profundo de causas y consecuencias Además de informar sobre eventos actuales en el mundo de la ecología, Valentina también se dedica a un análisis profundo de las causas y consecuencias de los problemas ecológicos. A través de entrevistas con expertos, activistas y comunidades locales, ofrece una visión multidimensional de los desafíos ecológicos, destacando historias de éxito e innovaciones que conducen a un mundo más sostenible.

Pasión por la naturaleza y promoción de cambios positivos El trabajo de Valentina se caracteriza no solo por investigaciones detalladas y conocimientos expertos, sino también por su pasión por la naturaleza y una profunda convicción en la posibilidad de cambios positivos. Su escritura motiva a los lectores a actuar, ya sea cambiando hábitos personales, apoyando proyectos ecológicos o participando en iniciativas locales de conservación del medio ambiente.

Figura clave en la promoción de la conciencia ecológica A través de su compromiso y dedicación a los temas ecológicos, Valentina Cvijetko se convierte en una figura clave en la promoción de la conciencia ecológica y el desarrollo sostenible en el portal Sus artículos sirven como recordatorio de la importancia de cuidar el planeta Tierra y la necesidad de una acción colectiva para proteger nuestro único hogar. En cada texto, Valentina no solo informa, sino que también inspira, invitando a la reflexión y a la acción para un futuro mejor.

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