Collaborate with us - your opinions are the foundation of our work is not just our portal – it belongs to you as well. We invite you to share your suggestions, ideas, and opinions with us. Together we can bring about positive changes. Your anonymity is guaranteed in accordance with the Media Act of the Republic of Croatia and the regulations of the European Union

Collaborate with us - your opinions are the foundation of our work
Photo by: Nick Morrison/

Dear readers, without you our global platform would not exist. Our mission is to provide you with the latest and most relevant information from around the world, while also enabling you to become active participants in this process. Your involvement is crucial to our work.

Your opinions, stories, suggestions, ideas, and questions are invaluable to us. Every suggestion you make helps us better understand what interests you and how we can improve our platform.

The best ideas often arise from conversations and collaboration with our global community. Therefore, we invite you to reach out to us with suggestions on topics you consider important. Do you have a story you would like to share? Would you like us to explore a globally relevant topic? Your opinion matters, and your voice can make a big difference.

Your contribution is immensely valuable. is not just our platform - it is also your platform. We are here to listen to your voice and act in accordance with your interests. Together, we can create a better future, and our platform can become a place where you will always feel welcome and valued.

Anonymity is guaranteed - Protection of information sources

Photo by: Chandler Cruttenden/
According to "Media Act" which came into force in Croatia on 01.01.2023., we protect the anonymity of our sources. According to Article 30 of this law, a journalist is not obliged to disclose data about the source of published information. This right also applies to chief editors, editors, and authors of contributions. Although the law provides for exceptions in special circumstances, the rule of protection of information sources is generally respected.

Your anonymity is our priority. You can contact us with confidence, knowing that your privacy and anonymity are always protected. Regardless of whether you contact us with information, suggestions, or just to express your opinion, your rights will always be respected.

We are always open to your ideas, suggestions, and feedback. We want to hear what you have to say, regardless of whether you reached out with suggestions, questions, or criticisms. Together we can improve our platform so that it becomes a place where every reader can find something useful, interesting, and inspiring.

We remind you that cooperation with us is open to everyone. You do not have to be a professional journalist or writer to get involved. All you need is an idea, a story, a suggestion, or just a desire to participate.

Together we can make a difference! Your idea, story, or suggestion can inspire positive change. Your voice matters and will always be valued on our platform.

Contact us at:

We invite you to get involved and help us shape a brighter and more transparent future for all of us!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Oktober, 2024
Hinweis für unsere Leser:
Das Portal bietet Informationen zu täglichen Ereignissen und Themen, die für unsere Community wichtig sind. Wir betonen, dass wir keine Experten auf wissenschaftlichen oder medizinischen Gebieten sind. Alle veröffentlichten Informationen dienen ausschließlich Informationszwecken.
Bitte betrachten Sie die Informationen auf unserem Portal nicht als völlig korrekt und konsultieren Sie immer Ihren eigenen Arzt oder Fachmann, bevor Sie Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage dieser Informationen treffen.
Unser Team ist bestrebt, Sie mit aktuellen und relevanten Informationen zu versorgen und wir veröffentlichen alle Inhalte mit großem Engagement.
Wir laden Sie ein, Ihre Geschichten aus Karlobag mit uns zu teilen!
Ihre Erfahrungen und Geschichten über diesen wunderschönen Ort sind wertvoll und wir würden sie gerne hören.
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Ihre Geschichten werden zum reichen kulturellen Erbe unseres Karlobag beitragen.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Erinnerungen mit uns teilen!


La redacción del portal le trae las últimas noticias e información de Karlobag y sus alrededores, ya sea sobre temas políticos, económicos, culturales o deportivos. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a los lectores información relevante y promover la transparencia, la honestidad y los valores morales.