Modernisation of tram infrastructure in Osijek

Contract signed for the modernization of tram infrastructure in Osijek worth EUR 22.5 million with the support of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure

In Osijek, a grant agreement worth EUR 22.5 million was signed for the second phase of the modernization of tram infrastructure, which will significantly improve urban transport and the standard of living of citizens.

Contract signed for the modernization of tram infrastructure in Osijek worth EUR 22.5 million with the support of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

A grant agreement worth 22.5 million euros for the second phase of the project "Modernization of Tram Infrastructure in Osijek" was signed today by Oleg Butković, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, and Goran Pajnić, Director of City Passenger Transport Osijek, in the presence of Ivan Radić, Mayor of Osijek, and Dragan Jelić, Director of SAFU.

The signing of the Agreement ensured the continuation of the project to modernize tram infrastructure in Osijek. Deputy Prime Minister Butković expressed his satisfaction that Osijek is successfully implementing this investment cycle, emphasizing that the city continuously includes all modes of transport in its projects. Osijek leads in the use of European funds for infrastructure projects, such as the underpass on Leopolda Mandića Street, the construction of a terminal for bulk cargo, and the reconstruction of the railway station building. Last year, an agreement was signed for the procurement of 10 low-floor trams, and GPP Osijek procured 25 new buses through two projects, while the completion of corridor 5C to the Hungarian border is expected next year.

The signed Agreement enables the modernization of 9.5 km of track and contact network, the construction of two and the modernization of one rectifier station, the installation of an underground cable network, and the modernization of 23 tram stops. The project is part of the Competitiveness and Cohesion Program 2021 - 2027, with the aim of increasing the number of public transport users and improving the living standards of Osijek citizens.

Mayor Radić thanked the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure for their cooperation so far and the realization of significant projects in Osijek. He pointed out that the modernization of tram infrastructure is one of the largest projects in Osijek, with a total value of 45 million euros. Today's signing resolved the financing of the project until completion, and with the modernization of the tram network, Osijek will get 9.5 kilometers of new network next year. Radić announced an application for the procurement of 20 new low-floor electric buses for GPP, and reminded of projects worth over 100 million euros realized in cooperation with the Ministry, including plans for the reconstruction of Strossmayerova and Trpimirova streets.

SAFU Director Dragan Jelić praised the cooperation with Osijek and GPP so far, emphasizing that all agreements have been impeccably implemented. He particularly highlighted the quality cooperation that resulted in many successfully realized projects, including the procurement of new trams and buses. Jelić concluded that Osijek has flourished thanks to European funds and announced further support for infrastructure investments in Osijek and Osijek-Baranja County.


Hora de creación: 25 julio, 2024

AI Ivana Detaljna

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