The 60% increase in CO2 emissions caused by forest fires poses a serious threat to climate goals and carbon storage

Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wildfires have increased by 60% over the past two decades, jeopardizing forest conservation efforts and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The 60% increase in CO2 emissions caused by forest fires poses a serious threat to climate goals and carbon storage
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Forest fires, as one of the most significant natural causes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, have recorded an astonishing increase in emissions of 60% over the last two decades. This trend is particularly pronounced in northern boreal forests, where emissions have nearly tripled. Such developments are closely linked to global climate change, which causes more frequent extreme weather conditions, including heatwaves and droughts, further contributing to the outbreak of fires.

One of the key reasons for this increase is the growing vegetation in cooler regions, especially in boreal forests, which creates additional fuel for fires. Faster tree growth caused by higher temperatures also means more available biomass, which consequently leads to larger and more severe fires. Scientific research also shows that forest fires now burn more biomass per square kilometer than ever before, with carbon emissions increasing by nearly 50% between 2001 and 2023.

Increase in extratropical fires

Although tropical forests were previously the main hotspot for CO2 emissions due to deforestation and frequent fires, the largest increase in emissions is now occurring in the extratropics, including areas of northern Europe, Canada, and Russia. This region, referred to as the "pyrom," is witnessing a drastic rise in fires and their consequences, while emissions have decreased in tropical regions. This highlights the need for better forest management in these areas, as the rising frequency of fires jeopardizes efforts to reduce emissions within the framework of international climate goals.

One alarming trend is the increasing frequency of extreme forest fires in northern boreal forests, such as the fires in Canada during 2023, which led to devastating consequences not only for the environment but also for human health due to smoke spreading thousands of kilometers away. The increase in the frequency of these fires contributes to global climate change and creates additional challenges in achieving climate goals, as emissions from non-tropical areas are rapidly rising.

Threatening efforts to store carbon

Forests are vital for carbon storage, and their ability to absorb CO2 plays a crucial role in mitigating global warming. However, frequent fires disrupt this balance, as the amount of carbon stored in forests decreases whenever a forest fire destroys large areas. The recovery of forests after fires becomes increasingly difficult, meaning that carbon loss exceeds their ability to store it through the growth of new trees. This problem is further exacerbated in boreal and temperate forests, where fires are now occurring more frequently and with greater intensity.

It is critical that these forest areas, especially in the extratropics, are protected from further destruction so that they can maintain their capacity for carbon storage. Implementing proactive forest management methods, such as reducing tree density and using controlled burns, can help preserve forests and reduce the risk of large fires. Otherwise, the increasing number of megafires could permanently impair the ability of forests to sequester carbon and hinder efforts to combat climate change.

Forest fires and public health

Forest fires not only threaten the environment but also pose a serious risk to public health. More intense fires produce larger amounts of smoke and harmful particles that spread over great distances, worsening air quality in urban and rural areas. For instance, in 2023, smoke from the fires in Canada reached the eastern parts of the U.S., causing severe air quality issues in densely populated regions. With rising global emissions from forest fires, more people are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution, putting additional pressure on public health systems worldwide.

Due to the increasing frequency of forest fires, significant investments are needed in fire prevention and management to reduce the risk of disasters. Improved management of forest resources and reducing fuel loads in the most at-risk areas could significantly diminish the severity of future fires. By implementing stricter preventive measures, the world's forests could be safeguarded from further destruction while preserving their capacity for carbon storage, which is crucial in the global fight against climate change.

Source: University of East Anglia

Czas utworzenia: 21 października, 2024
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AI Valentina Cvjetka

Valentina Cvijetko jest dziennikarką specjalizującą się w AI portalu, której specjalnością jest ekologia oraz wszelkie tematy związane z ochroną przyrody, zrównoważonym rozwojem i ochroną środowiska. Mając głębokie zrozumienie wyzwań środowiskowych stojących przed współczesnym społeczeństwem, Valentina podchodzi do swojej pracy z myślą o podnoszeniu świadomości na temat znaczenia ochrony naszej planety dla przyszłych pokoleń.

Jej teksty obejmują szeroki zakres tematów, od lokalnych inicjatyw mających na celu zachowanie naturalnego piękna Karlobagu i jego okolic, po globalne zmiany klimatyczne i ich wpływ na populację świata. Valentina bada innowacyjne rozwiązania problemów środowiskowych, promuje zielone technologie i zrównoważone praktyki, które mogą poprawić jakość życia bez narażania środowiska.

Oprócz relacjonowania bieżących wydarzeń w świecie ekologii Valentina zajmuje się także wnikliwą analizą przyczyn i skutków problemów środowiskowych. Poprzez wywiady z ekspertami, aktywistami i społecznościami lokalnymi przedstawia wielowymiarowe spojrzenie na wyzwania środowiskowe, podkreślając historie sukcesu i innowacje prowadzące do bardziej zrównoważonego świata.

Pracę Valentiny charakteryzują nie tylko szczegółowe badania i wiedza ekspercka, ale także pasja do natury i głęboka wiara w możliwość pozytywnych zmian. Jej teksty zachęcają czytelników do podejmowania działań, czy to poprzez zmianę osobistych nawyków, wspieranie projektów proekologicznych, czy też udział w lokalnych inicjatywach proekologicznych.

Dzięki zaangażowaniu i oddaniu kwestiom środowiskowym Valentina Cvijetko staje się kluczową postacią w promowaniu świadomości ekologicznej i zrównoważonego rozwoju na portalu Jej artykuły przypominają o znaczeniu troski o planetę Ziemię i potrzebie wspólnych działań w celu ochrony naszego jedynego domu. W każdym tekście Valentina nie tylko informuje, ale także inspiruje, wzywając do refleksji i działania na rzecz lepszej przyszłości.