The ninth edition of the National DMK Forum, which has established itself as a key annual event in Croatia's tourism industry, once again brought together leading experts, innovative thinkers, and representatives of the tourism sector from both the country and abroad. This year's theme focused on the potential of enogastronomic tourism, one of the most important aspects of contemporary destination management.
Opening of the Forum with clear goals
The program began with introductory speeches by key sector representatives. Tomislav Fain, president of the Croatian Travel Agencies Association (UHPA), expressed pride that this event continues to evolve as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. He was joined by Kristjan Staničić, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ), and Monika Udovičić from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, who emphasized that enogastronomic tourism not only promotes Croatian culture and tradition, but also plays a crucial role in stimulating sustainable tourism development.
Inspirational speakers and innovative ideas
One of the most notable speakers was David Mora, coordinator of the Food Tourism program at the Basque Culinary Center. His lecture, titled "Unlocking the Potential of Year-Round Gastronomy Tourism", highlighted how gastronomic tourism can become a tool for extending the tourist season. Mora provided concrete examples of successful strategies from different parts of the world, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and innovation in creating unique experiences for visitors.
Panel discussions and examples of good practice
Following the program, several panel discussions were held, featuring prominent domestic and international experts. Kenny Dunn from the USA, founder of Eating Europe, shared his experience in creating unique gastronomic tours that connect culture and cuisine. On the other hand, Lana Novalić from Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the successful model of Balkantine, a project focused on promoting local food and tradition.
Among the local participants were Kim Lucia Butigan from Dubrovnik, who presented innovative tourist products focused on luxury enogastro experiences, and Augustin Fabijanić from Zagreb, who spoke about the importance of adapting offers to different markets. Their presentations demonstrated how collaboration between local communities, travel agencies, and the private sector can deliver exceptional results.
Chefs as ambassadors of enogastronomic tourism
A special chapter of the Forum was dedicated to the role of chefs in promoting Croatia as a top enogastronomic destination. Rudolf Štefan from the Pelegrini restaurant in Šibenik and Bernard Korak from Jastrebarsko presented their experiences in developing innovative menus that combine tradition and contemporary culinary trends. "Food has become a key motivator for travel," the chefs emphasized, adding that every dish tells a story of the region it comes from.
Regional successes and plans for the future
Istria and Kvarner, regions that will carry the title of European Region of Gastronomy in 2026, presented themselves as examples of excellence. Cristina Vojić Krajcar from the Istria Tourist Board and Renata Vincek from the Kvarner Tourist Board showed how long-term effort, innovative approaches, and cooperation among all stakeholders can turn into globally recognized results. Their regions are already known for their top-quality wines, olive oils, and authentic cuisine, which has further sparked interest among visitors.
Forum conclusions
The Ninth National DMK Forum concluded with a clear message: Croatia has all the prerequisites to become a world leader in enogastronomic tourism. The synergy of experts, local communities, and tourism entities is key to achieving this goal. This event once again confirmed the importance of continuous education, innovation, and collaboration in strengthening the competitiveness of Croatian tourism.
Czas utworzenia: 12 grudnia, 2024
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