Workshop from dance to audience in the Mediterranean Dance Center with Alexandra Madsen for all dancers and dance lovers

The workshop at the Mediterranean Dance Center provides an opportunity for all dance lovers to explore dance through various modules, learning through play and film, with a focus on the analysis of dance performances.

Workshop from dance to audience in the Mediterranean Dance Center with Alexandra Madsen for all dancers and dance lovers
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The dance workshop titled From Dance to Audience, which will be held on October 19th and 20th, 2024, at the Mediterranean Dance Center, is an opportunity for everyone who wants to understand dance more deeply, its various aspects, and methods that enable successful communication of dance with the audience. The program, designed and led by the renowned dance artist and dramaturg Alexandre Madsen, encompasses three modules, each with specific focus and goals.

Understanding dance through play and music

The first module, Dance and Other Themes, focuses on the relationship between dance, play, and music. Through this module, participants will explore how different rhythms and movements can shape the way we communicate through dance. Practical tasks include dance games that will help participants enhance creativity, imagination, and interaction with the group. Each participant will receive accompanying materials that will contain sketches of activities and games they can use in their future work with children, making this module particularly useful for educators and caretakers.

Film as dance inspiration: Cinedance

Cinedance, the second module, deals with connecting dance and film. Participants will analyze various film templates and learn how to convey the experience of film through movement. Dance and film are, despite different media, closely related, and movements inspired by film scenes offer rich material for creative expression. Through this module, participants will become familiar with analyzing films such as abstract and experimental films, and will also work on exercises that will develop their dance expression.

Analysis of dance performances: Critical approach

The last module, Analyze This, guides participants through the process of analyzing dance performances. After watching a dance performance through a VR experience, participants will use tools and methods from previous modules to analyze each aspect of the performance in detail, from choreography and rhythm to musical elements. The goal is not only to develop critical thinking about dance but also to gain inspiration for creating new dance creations. This module offers an opportunity for synthetic thinking and practical application of learned techniques, allowing participants to expand their performing and choreographic abilities.

Who is the workshop intended for?

The workshop is open to everyone, regardless of previous dance experience. Participants are invited to engage in the creative process and explore various aspects of dance. Applications for participation are mandatory, and participants can apply via email until October 17th, 2024. Participation is free, with the option of a recommended donation. The number of places is limited, so applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Practical information

The workshop will take place at the following times:

  • October 19th: from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

  • October 20th: from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Participants are asked to bring comfortable clothing and readiness to learn. This workshop offers a unique opportunity to connect with the artistic community and acquire new skills through dance.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 Oktober, 2024
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