Corvette Captain Stjepan Giljević took over the position of operational officer at the Command of the operation “EU NAVFOR Somalia – ATALANTA” in Rota, Kingdom of Spain, on June 21, 2024.
Since December of last year, this position has been held by Corvette Captain Denis Mihanović.
Before the mission, Corvette Captain Stjepan Giljević and Coast Guard Commander Commodore Milan Blažević were received by the Chief of Staff-Deputy Commander of the Croatian Navy, Captain of the ship Željko Jakus. Captain Jakus, wishing Giljević much success in his new professional challenge, particularly emphasized his knowledge, skills, and experience, especially those gained in previous peace support operations.
Biography of Corvette Captain Stjepan Giljević
Corvette Captain Stjepan Giljević was born on March 18, 1974, in Metković. He graduated from the Maritime Faculty in Dubrovnik, majoring in Nautical Science, and obtained the title of graduate engineer of maritime transport. He joined the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia in 2005, and has participated in peace support missions several times.
His new position in the operation "EU NAVFOR Somalia – ATALANTA" represents a continuation of his successful career in international operations and missions. This operation, which operates within the framework of the European Union's common security and defense policy, aims to combat piracy and protect humanitarian deliveries in the Somali region.
Corvette Captain Giljević has gained significant experience and recognition through his previous work in peace support missions, making him an ideal candidate for this responsible position. His appointment reflects the trust placed in him by his superiors and confirms his expertise and professionalism in carrying out military tasks.
The role of operational officer in the Command of the operation “EU NAVFOR Somalia – ATALANTA” requires a high level of expertise and dedication, and Corvette Captain Stjepan Giljević has shown through his previous work and engagement that he possesses all the necessary qualities to successfully perform this duty.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Juni, 2024
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