Russia begins major military exercises in the Arctic due to strategic interests and defense of ballistic submarines

Russia has launched major military exercises in the Arctic, including the Northern Fleet, to protect its strategic interests in the region and defend important maritime routes.

Russia begins major military exercises in the Arctic due to strategic interests and defense of ballistic submarines
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Russia begins large military exercises in the Arctic

Russia has recently launched extensive military exercises in the Arctic, aimed at defending its key interests in the region. The exercises involve the Russian Northern Fleet, which has begun special military operations with the aim of protecting its ballistic submarines based in the Kola Peninsula, as well as controlling key maritime routes such as the Northeast Passage, which has become strategically more important and accessible due to climate change. Russia has been making efforts to strengthen its presence in the Arctic for a long time, and these latest exercises are part of a broader military strategy that includes anti-submarine and anti-submarine defense, air defense operations, and infrastructure development in the region.

Military operations of the Northern Fleet and bastion defense strategy

The Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy has launched extensive military exercises dubbed "special military exercises," marking a new rhetoric that is also used for non-Ukrainian operations. According to sources, the operations involve anti-submarine vessels from the Kola flotilla based in Polyarny, along with the larger anti-submarine vessel Admiral Lavchenko and Il-38 aircraft and Ka-27M helicopters. These vessels and aircraft simulate defense against enemy submarines using depth charges and torpedoes, which is part of a broader plan to protect areas important for the patrolling of ballistic submarines (known as "bastion defense") located in the Kola Peninsula.

The use of the term "special military exercises" is quite similar to the rhetoric used for military operations in Ukraine. According to Kristian Åtland, a senior researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, this approach resembles Orwell's "Newspeak," the fictional language of a totalitarian regime from the novel 1984. In this context, the phrase "special military operation" has become an integral part of the Russian military vocabulary, attempting to normalize military presence and operations in the Arctic.

Geopolitical challenges and reactions from other states

This military exercise comes at a time when tensions in the Arctic are rising due to increased Russian and Chinese presence in the region, raising concerns for the United States and its allies. The U.S. Air Force recently dispatched two B-52H "Stratofortress" bombers on a patrol over the Arctic in response to Russian activities. The bombers were based at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, and their task was to conduct reconnaissance missions near the Russian border. Additionally, the U.S. also sent two RC-135S "Cobra Ball" aircraft for collecting optical and electronic data for monitoring Russian missile testing.

Tensions have been further heightened by Canada's announcement of new sanctions against Russia and the increase in military aid to Ukraine, which includes thousands of assault rifles, machine guns, and millions of rounds of ammunition. Given that the Arctic is rapidly changing due to climate change, its economic and strategic importance is growing. The Arctic has now become a battleground for influence between Western allies and Russia, which is actively working to strengthen its presence in the area.

Counter-drone operations and preparations for possible attacks

One of the focuses of these exercises has been training for counter-drone and anti-sabotage operations, particularly relevant given recent attacks by Ukrainian armed forces on the Olenya airbase south of Murmansk. Russian military specialists demonstrated methods of defending the fleet against unmanned underwater and aerial vehicles, as well as other robotic systems of a simulated enemy. The focus on counter-drone measures stems from real threats that Russian bases have experienced in recent months, and these exercises allow for preparation against possible future attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles.

The exercises also included simulations of attacks on submarines in the Barents Sea, with vessels equipped with special systems for detecting and destroying enemy submarines. In addition, the integration of air forces was tested, involving the use of aircraft and helicopters for reconnaissance and attacks in cooperation with naval forces.

Context of global changes and increased military presence

While Russia focuses on strengthening its capabilities in the Arctic, the United States and its allies are also ramping up their military capabilities in the region. Norway, Canada, and other countries bordering the Arctic are actively investing in strengthening their defenses, and NATO is organizing frequent military exercises aimed at deterring Russian ambitions. Due to global warming and melting ice, maritime routes in the Arctic are becoming increasingly accessible, further enhancing the economic and geopolitical significance of the region.

Despite all efforts, the current situation in the Arctic seems far from stable. The rising militarization of the region, along with new legislation that facilitates the conscription of Russian recruits through online portals, shows that Russia does not intend to reduce its military presence in the near future. Ultimately, the Arctic has become a battleground for major geopolitical tensions, and the military maneuvers conducted by Russia serve as an indicator of its firm stance on protecting its interests in the area.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 November, 2024
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