Croatia increases military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine and strengthens cooperation in the field of demining and reconstruction of the energy sector

During his visit to Kiev, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced a new aid package for Ukraine, which includes military equipment, support in demining and a donation for the reconstruction of the energy sector. Croatia has so far provided assistance worth EUR 300 million.

Croatia increases military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine and strengthens cooperation in the field of demining and reconstruction of the energy sector
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During his working visit to Kyiv on September 11, 2024, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković announced a new package of bilateral military aid to Ukraine. This package includes an additional 30 million euros in aid, bringing Croatia's total support to Ukraine since the start of the Russian aggression to a total of 300 million euros. The new military aid package includes various military equipment, including air defense systems, ammunition, and specialized equipment for demining, which represents a crucial component for Ukraine's recovery.

Croatia has extensive experience in demining, which is now being transferred to Ukraine through cooperation and international donor conferences. During a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the importance of humanitarian demining large areas of Ukrainian territory, which are currently contaminated with mines and other explosive devices, was emphasized. Plenković highlighted that Croatia, through donations and technical support, will continue to support Ukrainian efforts in this critical phase of the country's recovery.

A special focus of Plenković's visit was also on energy infrastructure. Croatia will donate an additional five million euros for the repair of damaged energy infrastructure, especially after intense Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy facilities. This donation comes as part of a broader European and international effort to ensure Ukraine's energy stability during the upcoming winter season.

During his stay in Kyiv, Plenković participated in the Crimea Platform meeting, an international initiative that brings together countries and organizations in an effort to return Crimea under Ukrainian control. At the summit, it was once again confirmed that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, and the importance of the international community in maintaining political pressure on Russia was emphasized. Croatia plays a key role in this platform and hosted the first parliamentary summit of the Crimea Platform last year, further demonstrating its political and diplomatic support for Ukraine.

In addition to political and military issues, discussions also covered the reconstruction of infrastructure and the rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers and their families. Croatia had previously provided treatment and rehabilitation for Ukrainian veterans in its healthcare institutions, which was an important element of cooperation between the two countries. Plenković also announced the expansion of these programs in the future to assist in the care of Ukrainian war victims.

Croatia-Ukraine cooperation extends beyond military and humanitarian issues. The two countries are also working on joint economic projects, including the production of demining machinery. This cooperation has a dual benefit, as it provides Ukraine with access to advanced technologies while simultaneously strengthening Croatian exports.

During the meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, further steps were agreed upon to strengthen bilateral relations, particularly in the fields of science and education. Important agreements on cooperation between the ministries of science and justice of the two countries were also signed, further confirming Croatia's long-term commitment to Ukraine in achieving stability and European integration.

This was Plenković's third visit to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion, and his presence at meetings and discussions on aid once again shows Croatia's determination to continue providing comprehensive support to Ukraine, both politically and economically and militarily. Croatia, through its experience in EU integration, continues to be an important partner to Ukraine in its European perspective, helping it on its path to EU and NATO membership.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 September, 2024
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