Fire on the yacht "PERLA" in the port of Šibenik: caused by lightning, ship secured along the coast after successful evacuation of the crew and rapid reaction of firefighters

In the port of Šibenik, there was a fire on the yacht "PERLA" due to lightning. The crew evacuated in time, and the firefighters quickly prevented the spread of the fire. The yacht is damaged, but secured along the shore without serious environmental consequences.

Fire on the yacht "PERLA" in the port of Šibenik: caused by lightning, ship secured along the coast after successful evacuation of the crew and rapid reaction of firefighters
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

After the fire brigade successfully brought the fire under control and secured the area from potential pollution of the sea and surrounding marine environment, the Šibenik Port Authority officers, in cooperation with the police, began conducting investigative actions at the accident site.

The Šibenik Port Authority reported to the National Search and Rescue Coordination Center at Sea in Rijeka (MRCC Rijeka) and the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure about the commenced investigative actions on the yacht "PERLA" (type sailing ship), 26.75 meters long, which is owned by a domestic legal entity. The fire broke out on the yacht in the night hours of August 19, shortly after assistance was provided.

Firefighters' quick response prevented a major disaster
After the fire was reported, Šibenik Port Authority officers immediately headed to the scene. Firefighters from the Šibenik Public Fire Brigade (JVP) were already on the scene and had begun extinguishing the fire. Their quick response was crucial in preventing the fire from spreading to other parts of the yacht and nearby vessels. According to preliminary reports, the fire caused significant material damage, but thanks to the prompt intervention, there were no casualties or serious injuries.

Lightning strike as the cause of the fire
The investigative actions at the accident site, which were initiated by the Šibenik Port Authority officers in the morning hours after the fire area was secured, revealed significant damage to the yacht. The fire affected most of the deck and superstructure, and the lower deck was partially damaged. Despite extensive damage, the yacht remained seaworthy and was secured along the coast of the Šibenik port.

According to available information, the fire was caused by a lightning strike on the ship's superstructure. The electrical charge generated by the lightning strike quickly spread through the wooden and metal parts of the ship, leading to the outbreak of flames that engulfed most of the yacht. The quick reaction of the crew, who immediately evacuated the ship, prevented further endangerment of human lives. There were no passengers on board at the time of the accident, which also contributed to the absence of more serious consequences.

Environmental risk and prevention
In addition to the damage to the vessel, the Port Authority officers paid special attention to the potential environmental risk. Although no marine pollution was recorded, pollution prevention teams were on standby to prevent any potential environmental damage. Considering that the yacht uses fuel and various other chemicals that could leak into the sea, all precautionary measures were taken to preserve the safety of the marine environment.

Joint efforts of the services
Investigative actions at the accident site, in addition to the Šibenik Port Authority officers, are also being carried out by police officers. Their cooperation is crucial in determining all the circumstances that led to this accident. Witness statements, including those of the captain and owner of the ship, have been taken to reconstruct the sequence of events and determine the exact causes of the fire outbreak. Although initial information pointed to a lightning strike as the cause, further investigations are needed to rule out all other possibilities.

This case emphasizes the importance of quick and effective action by all services in crisis situations at sea. Thanks to the good coordination and professionalism of all involved, the consequences of this accident were limited to material damage, with no casualties or environmental pollution.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 August, 2024
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