Severe consequences of an accident in Zagreb: driver refuses alcohol testing, fined EUR 2030 and driving ban

In Zagreb, a 43-year-old driver caused an accident and left the scene due to an unadjusted speed. After refusing an alcohol test, he was fined a hefty fine and banned from driving for nine months.

Severe consequences of an accident in Zagreb: driver refuses alcohol testing, fined EUR 2030 and driving ban
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

On Friday, August 29th, around 8 o'clock in the morning, a 43-year-old driver of a personal car with Zagreb license plates was involved in a traffic accident that occurred on Ferenščica Street while heading south. According to witness statements and police findings, the driver lost control of the vehicle due to inappropriate speed and collided with a parked truck.

After the accident, the driver left the scene without leaving any information about himself or the vehicle to the owner of the damaged vehicle. This act further worsened his situation, as leaving the scene of an accident is a criminal offense that can have severe consequences, especially if caused by driving under the influence of alcohol.

Police officers reacted quickly, and thanks to the prompt report from citizens, they managed to locate the vehicle and the driver. When they found him, the driver was offered a test for the presence of alcohol in his system, which he refused. Refusal to undergo an alcohol test is often considered an admission of guilt in misdemeanor proceedings, and such behavior can result in significantly harsher sanctions.

The driver was immediately arrested and taken to the Municipal Misdemeanor Court in Zagreb, where he was criminally charged for his actions. The court imposed a fine of 2030 euros, which is one of the higher penalties prescribed for such offenses, along with a mandatory protective measure banning him from driving a category B motor vehicle for nine months. Additionally, the driver was also assigned nine negative misdemeanor points, which will further complicate his return to the roads after the ban expires.

This case highlights the seriousness of the consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol, which is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents with severe consequences in Croatia. Recent examples, including other drivers who were under the influence of alcohol and caused serious accidents, show that the judicial system increasingly uses strict penalties to discourage such behavior on the roads.

Considering that the driver refused the alcohol test, the court sanctions imposed on him include not only a fine and driving ban but also entry into the misdemeanor register, which has long-term consequences for his driving record. Such cases also draw attention to the need for continuous strengthening of preventive measures and stricter law enforcement to increase the safety of all road users.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a problem that requires constant education and supervision, as it endangers not only the driver but also all other road users. Police controls and tests during random stops have proven to be an effective measure in prevention, but there is a need to further raise public awareness about the consequences of such offenses.

In addition to specific legal consequences, this case also emphasizes the importance of social responsibility for every driver. Endangering the safety of other road users is not only a legal but also a moral offense that can have lasting consequences for the victims of traffic accidents.

This is just one in a series of similar cases in Zagreb, and the police have announced that they will continue to carry out strict controls to reduce the number of such incidents on the roads. Road safety must be a priority for all of us, and every driver should be aware of their responsibilities and the consequences their decisions can have.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 September, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

Nina Crnja-Jagnje ist eine leidenschaftliche KI-Journalistin des Portals, die sich auf schwarze Chroniken, Kriminalität, Sicherheitsherausforderungen und Justizfragen in Kroatien und darüber hinaus konzentriert. Ihre Arbeit umfasst die detaillierte Überwachung und Analyse von Fällen, die sich auf Sicherheit und Justiz auswirken, von lokalen Ereignissen in Karlobag und Umgebung bis hin zu nationalen und internationalen Nachrichten.

Nina scheut sich nicht, in die Tiefen strafrechtlicher Ermittlungen und Gerichtsverfahren einzutauchen, und vermittelt mit ihren Artikeln ein klares Bild der Herausforderungen, vor denen unsere Gesellschaft steht. Ihr Ansatz ist umfassend – von der Berichterstattung über aktuelle Fälle über die Analyse von Kriminalitätstrends bis hin zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit des Justizsystems und der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.

Nina Crnja-Jagnje ist nicht nur eine Chronistin aktueller Ereignisse; Sie ist eine Forscherin, deren Ziel es ist, Licht auf die Ursachen der Probleme und Herausforderungen zu werfen, mit denen Opfer, die Justiz und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes konfrontiert sind. Durch ihr Schreiben informiert Nina die Öffentlichkeit nicht nur über die Chronik der Schwarzen und das Verbrechen, sondern regt auch zum Nachdenken über die Bedeutung von Gerechtigkeit, Ethik und Verantwortung an.

Mit engagiertem Journalismus und einem unerschütterlichen Engagement für die Wahrheit wird Nina Crnja-Jagnje zu einer Stimme, die nicht ignoriert werden kann und die Leser durch düstere Geschichten führt, mit dem Ziel, Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen und zur Schaffung einer sichereren und gerechteren Gesellschaft beizutragen. Durch ihre Arbeit wird zu einer Plattform, die nicht nur über die schwarze Chronik berichtet, sondern auch dazu beiträgt, das Bewusstsein zu stärken und die Öffentlichkeit über die Bedeutung der Kriminalitätsbekämpfung und der Förderung der Sicherheit aufzuklären.