Paklenica National Park wins Grand Prix for Best Documentary on Beech Forests

At the international Festival of Tourism and Ethno Film TEF 2024, Paklenica National Park won the Grand Prix award for the documentary film 'Beech Forests of Paklenica'. This film explores the beauty of centuries-old beech forests that have been preserved throughout history.

Paklenica National Park wins Grand Prix for Best Documentary on Beech Forests
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

At the recent international Festival of Tourist and Ethno Film TEF 2024, held on September 26 and 27 in the city of Krk, the Public Institution National Park Paklenica won the prestigious Grand Prix award for its documentary film titled "Beech Forests of Paklenica". This award was presented in an exceptionally competitive category that included 102 film productions from 62 tourist boards, museums, and ethno associations from Croatia and other countries.

The festival organizers, the Association Tracing Croatian Heritage and the Tourist Board of the City of Krk, positioned this event as part of IGCAT, the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts, and Tourism, thereby further enhancing the festival's international reputation and attracting the attention of film enthusiasts and professionals from around the world.

Film Theme and Significance

The awarded film "Beech Forests of Paklenica" deeply explores the beauty and significance of European beech forests, which have remained in almost unchanged condition over the centuries. These forests are not only a natural resource; they are also an indispensable part of European cultural heritage. They are inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List, emphasizing their exceptional ecological and cultural value. Within the National Park Paklenica, UNESCO's Serial Good of World Heritage encompasses beech primeval forests and original beech forests of the Carpathians, ensuring their preservation for future generations.

These forests are not only found in Croatia; UNESCO's serial good includes 93 locations in 18 countries, making it one of the most important ecological projects in Europe. The beech forests of Paklenica serve as a habitat for many plant and animal species, including some endemic species, further highlighting the need for their preservation.

Film Production and Financing

The film was directed by the talented director Mario Jurina from the production house UNIQUE MEDIA in collaboration with numerous experts and enthusiasts. Its creation was supported through the EU Interreg project "Beech Power", which focuses on sustainable forest management and the protection of natural heritage. This project provides a platform for cooperation among different countries in Europe, emphasizing the importance of an international approach to the preservation of natural resources.

The film "Beech Forests of Paklenica" not only promotes the beauty of nature but also educates viewers about the importance of preserving these precious ecosystems. Its availability on the YouTube channel of the National Park Paklenica allows a broader audience to enjoy visual and educational content, raising awareness about the importance of nature conservation.

Festival and Its Impact

The TEF festival is not just a platform for showcasing films, but also an event that brings together film lovers, tourism, and culture enthusiasts from across the region. Over the two days of the festival, participants had the opportunity to engage in various workshops, panels, and discussions focused on tourism, nature conservation, and cultural heritage. Such events are crucial for the development of the local community and the promotion of the cultural values that Croatia offers.

The award won for the film "Beech Forests of Paklenica" represents a significant success for the National Park Paklenica and its mission to preserve natural heritage. This victory not only acknowledges the high quality of production but also the importance of the subject itself, which is essential for preserving European ecosystem diversity.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Oktober, 2024
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