Zadarhalf Triathlon 2025 at Zaton Holiday Resort will gather athletes from all over Europe in the most demanding triathlon in Croatia

Zadarhalf triathlon at Zaton Holiday Resort is becoming an international competition with a rich tradition that attracts hundreds of athletes from Europe every year. Swimming, cycling and running through Zadar's natural beauty make this triathlon one of the most demanding, and the next edition will be even bigger and more spectacular.

Zadarhalf Triathlon 2025 at Zaton Holiday Resort will gather athletes from all over Europe in the most demanding triathlon in Croatia
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

This year, the Zadarhalf Triathlon once again brought together athletes from all over Europe, and the Zaton Holiday Resort has become a recognizable destination for all triathlon enthusiasts. The race was a true treat for those who love adrenaline challenges, as well as for those who enjoy the combination of sports and natural beauty. The Zadarhalf is known for its exceptionally tough format, which includes 1.9 km of swimming, 90 km of cycling, and 21.1 km of running, and this year the race once again proved why it is considered one of the most challenging in Croatia.

The competition was organized by the Zaton Holiday Resort, which ensured top-notch conditions for competitors and visitors. Thanks to the exceptional natural beauty of this area, the swimming portion of the competition took place in the crystal-clear Adriatic Sea, while the cycling route passed through the picturesque landscapes of the Zadar hinterland. The running segment offered spectacular views along the coast, and the competitors finished the race within the resort itself, which further enhanced the experience of the entire event.

A special attention was drawn to the fact that this year's edition of the Zadarhalf is officially the Championship of Croatia and Slovenia, attracting numerous top competitors. However, in addition to professionals, the race was also open to amateurs of all age groups, making the Zadarhalf an event that gathers the entire sports community, from experienced triathletes to those just beginning their adventures in this sport.

Participants were able to try their hand at top-organized training sessions and workshops that preceded the competition itself. Additionally, those who decided to extend their stay in Zaton had the opportunity to enjoy various activities within the resort, such as family camps, lectures on sports training and nutrition, as well as special workshops for children that included aquathlon.

The competition results highlighted the best athletes, but also all those who completed this exhausting race. Besides the sports achievements, the Zadarhalf once again confirmed its importance as a tourist event, which brings hundreds of visitors to Zadar in the off-season, thus enriching the local community and economy. Given the increasing interest, preparations are already underway for the next edition of the Zadarhalf Triathlon, which will take place on September 27 and 28, 2025.

The Zaton Holiday Resort continues with innovations, and additional amenities have already been announced, including the opening of a new pool complex during the summer of 2025, making this resort even more attractive for visitors. It is expected that next year an even larger number of competitors will participate, and the organizers invite all interested parties to secure their spot in the race now, as the number of registrations is limited.

This triathlon is not just a sports competition, but also an opportunity for all participants and their families to spend quality time in nature, with plenty of activities for all ages. If you are a sports enthusiast and love challenges, the Zadarhalf is an event you cannot miss!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Oktober, 2024
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