The editorial team of the portal received a video showing inappropriate behavior of a man on the new beach in Karlobag. The video, whose creation time is not confirmed, shows a middle-aged man masturbating in front of gathered visitors, including children. It is assumed that the incident took place in the evening. Due to the content of the video, we decided not to publish it, and we blurred the "problematic" parts in the photo.
We sent an inquiry for comment to the Ličko-senjska Police Department and the police station in Karlobag, as well as to the municipal administration. However, given the communication ban imposed on our portal by Chief Smojver, we do not expect a response from the municipal administration. We believe that their presence in maintaining order in Karlobag is minimal, and avoiding confrontation with issues of public interest further reduces citizens' trust in this service. It seems that questions not under their direct control are particularly problematic, especially when the media, not funded by the municipal budget, decide to address sensitive topics.
In the video, you can hear people mentioning the arrival of the police, indicating that the relevant services were informed about the incident in real time.
Although we do not want to point fingers directly, it is obvious that there are serious shortcomings in maintaining safety in Karlobag, especially regarding the protection of children. The municipal administration, which should be key in preventing such situations, acts almost imperceptibly. Their unpreparedness and lack of expertise in responding to inquiries and ensuring order further exacerbate the situation and undermine community trust.
This event unfortunately points to a broader problem in Karlobag, raising the question of the ability of local authorities to ensure the safety of all residents and visitors. As a community, we must face the fact that it is time to seriously consider ways to ensure that Karlobag is a safe and pleasant place for all of us to live.
Each of us, but absolutely each of us, is complicit in this situation through our actions or often inaction.
We hope that the person shown in the video has received appropriate professional help, but also that such incidents will not have long-term consequences for all present, especially children.
As soon as we receive responses from the relevant authorities, we will publish them on our portal.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 24 August, 2024
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