By the decision of the Expert Committee, the European Route of Historical Pharmacies and Medicinal Herb Gardens has become an official Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.
The route includes Rijeka and connects various places such as monastic pharmacies, secular pharmacies, historical libraries, botanical and medicinal gardens. This route represents an important natural and cultural heritage that highlights common European roots, encourages intercultural dialogue, strengthens cultural identity, and contributes to social cohesion and sustainable development.
The European Route of Historical Pharmacies and Medicinal Herb Gardens project includes the Rijeka Tourist Board, the JGL Pharmacy Museum, and the University of Rijeka. These institutions organized the 2nd International Forum "Hygeia Legacy" in March this year in cooperation with the Spanish association Aromas Itinerarium Salutis, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Media, the City of Rijeka, and the Rijeka City Museum.
The Route of Historical Pharmacies and Medicinal Herb Gardens currently covers eleven European countries, including Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland.
The certification of the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe confirms the importance and relevance of this project in the European cultural context and is the result of excellent work and cooperation of the partners of the international network Aromas Itinerarium Salutis (AIS).
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Juli, 2024
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