Minister of Tourism and Sports Tonci Glavina announces the allocation of EUR 3.42 million for 192 sports programs and EUR 484,486 for the training of non-swimmers in 2024

Minister of Tourism and Sports, Tonči Glavina, has made a decision on the allocation of financial resources for co-financing sports programs to encourage local sports and sports competitions, and training of non-swimmers "Hrvatska Pliva" in 2024. A total of EUR 3.42 million will be allocated for 192 sports programmes and EUR 484,486 for 32 training programmes for non-swimmers.

Minister of Tourism and Sports Tonci Glavina announces the allocation of EUR 3.42 million for 192 sports programs and EUR 484,486 for the training of non-swimmers in 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Tonči Glavina, issued the Decision on the Allocation of Financial Resources for the Co-financing of Sports Programs to Promote Local Sports and Sports Competitions in 2024. A total of 3.42 million euros was allocated for 192 sports programs, and the Decision on the Allocation of Financial Resources for the Co-financing of the Non-swimmers Training Programs "Croatia Swims" in 2024, for which 484,486.34 euros were allocated for 32 programs.

The largest amount of funds so far
“Every year we make a new step in supporting local sports programs, so this year we have secured the largest amount of funds so far, and we will co-finance a record 192 local programs and 32 non-swimmer training programs with almost 4 million euros. With these programs, we provide conditions and encourage our citizens to engage in physical activity, especially children and young people. Since 2016, we have co-financed nearly 1,000 projects carried out by associations in the amount of 13.3 million euros for local sports programs and more than 140 for the implementation of the "Croatia Swims" program, which we financed with 1.8 million euros. Through all these activities, we have involved around 430,000 of our citizens in sports, including 340,000 children and young people, and more than 35,000 participants have learned to swim. These are concrete indicators of the Government of the Republic of Croatia's investment in the development of local sports, with an emphasis on children and young people, and we will continue to support it in the future," said Minister Glavina.

Program objectives
The goal of these programs is to implement effective and sustainable activities that will contribute to the development of sports, aimed at promoting amateur sports and health-oriented physical exercise, organizing sports competitions or participating in sports competitions, and contributing to the preservation of the health of our citizens.

You can find the Decisions on the Allocation of Financial Resources at the following link:

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 Juli, 2024
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