At the 16th meeting of the Government of the Republic of Croatia with the county prefects, held under the leadership of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, today at Hotel Panonija in Sisak, the Minister of Tourism Tonči Glavina handed over a contract for the project "Mini ZIP LINE Cable Car (CHILDREN'S ZIP LINE)" worth 61,876.01 euros to the prefect of Lika-Senj County, Ernest Petry.
The project will be implemented in the area of Lika-Senj County, specifically in the municipality of Vrhovine, with co-financing from the Tourism Fund.
The aim of this project is to improve the tourist infrastructure of the county, with a special emphasis on attractiveness for families with children.
After the contract was signed, prefect Petry thanked the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Government of the Republic of Croatia for their support, emphasizing that the project will significantly enrich the tourist and recreational offer of Lika-Senj County.
This project, along with others co-financed from the Tourism Fund, represents key parts of the Government's broader strategy aimed at developing sustainable tourism, which is an important step in strengthening the tourism sector and encouraging the local economy.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 11 Juli, 2024
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