Advent in the heart of Lika: enjoy the music, ice rink and gastronomy in Gospić

Advent in the heart of Lika offers an unforgettable holiday atmosphere with a rich program, including concerts, an ice rink, workshops for children and traditional delicacies.

Advent in the heart of Lika: enjoy the music, ice rink and gastronomy in Gospić
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Advent in the heart of Lika in Gospić, known as one of the most beautiful winter events in the region, began with great enthusiasm and a rich program that attracts visitors from all over Croatia. The first day of the event, marked by music, winter joys, and a variety of gastronomic delights, created an unforgettable atmosphere for all generations.

Opening with the ice rink and the first notes of the "Luka" choir

The event officially began with the opening of the ice rink in the courtyard of the Lika-Senj County, which will be the central place for winter fun for children and adults until January 7th. The official opening was enhanced by a performance from the ice skating club, and immediately after, visitors indulged in the joy of ice skating.

The evening hours brought a special musical atmosphere when the female choir "Luka" from Rijeka performed. Their magnificent voices delighted the audience, who enjoyed performances of original songs, as well as traditional Dalmatian songs such as "Konobo moja" and "Dalmatinska pismo moja." This concert was not only a musical experience but also an opportunity to create special moments in the heart of Lika.

Gastronomic delicacies that attract visitors

The Advent huts set up around the ice rink offer a variety of local and traditional specialties. The scents of mulled wine, fritters, and homemade sausages spread through the air, creating an irresistible holiday atmosphere. In addition, visitors can taste homemade liqueurs, honey, and cheeses that represent the rich gastronomic offerings of Lika.

A rich program for all generations

Throughout the Advent period, Gospić will be filled with a variety of events, including music concerts, workshops for children, and sports competitions. Tonight, December 19th, the audience will be entertained by Ivana and Marija Husar Rimac, while tomorrow the legendary band Daleka Obala will perform. Every weekend brings new surprises, from performances by popular performers to thematic events for the youngest.

Cultural and sports content

Advent in Gospić is not just a place of entertainment, but also a promotion of culture and sports. On December 22nd, the "Marakana gori" small football tournament will be held, while local artists will enrich the cultural program with exhibitions and performances. Creative workshops, storytelling sessions, and interactive games have been prepared for the youngest, ensuring unforgettable moments for the whole family.

Advent as a blend of tradition and modern experience

Advent in the heart of Lika is a blend of traditional customs and modern content that attracts people with different interests. This event offers a unique opportunity to escape from everyday life and enjoy the magic of the holidays, surrounded by the beauty of Lika. The light decorations, the smells of traditional delicacies, and the sounds of music make this experience special and unforgettable.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 19 Dezember, 2024
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