Authentic festival "Days in the Bay" in Stari Grad on Hvar: Traditional ships, maritime heritage and top gastronomy from 19 to 22 September 2024

Join the festival "Days in the Bay" in Stari Grad on Hvar from 19 to 22 September 2024, where you will experience a unique combination of traditional ships, maritime heritage, cultural events, workshops and concerts with unforgettable Dalmatian delicacies.

Authentic festival "Days in the Bay" in Stari Grad on Hvar: Traditional ships, maritime heritage and top gastronomy from 19 to 22 September 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

This year's fifth consecutive "Days in the Bay" festival will take place from September 19 to 22, 2024, in the Old Town of Hvar. This international event, dedicated to preserving Croatian maritime heritage, attracts a large number of visitors thanks to its diverse program that includes exhibitions, workshops, gastro events, and concerts. The festival, organized by the Association for the Promotion of Croatian Maritime Heritage "Cronaves" in collaboration with the Tourist Board of the Old Town, offers an ideal opportunity to experience the authentic spirit of the Mediterranean.

One of the main events of the festival is the spectacular night parade "Dance of the Sails and Lights," during which participants will sail out into the Old Town bay on traditional boats, creating an unforgettable visual experience for all visitors. This nighttime procession has become the festival's trademark, linking modern lighting technology with ancient maritime traditions. The parade ends with a fireworks display, symbolically celebrating Hvar's connection to the sea.

Participation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

This year, special emphasis is placed on international cooperation, as the Kingdom of the Netherlands is the partner country. The Netherlands will showcase its rich maritime heritage with a special focus on four traditional boats that will be exhibited in the bay. The Dutch fleet will be just a part of the total of 60 traditional vessels participating in the festival, coming from Croatia and abroad, aiming to preserve and promote maritime culture.

Festival visitors will have the opportunity to learn about various aspects of maritime life, thanks to workshops presenting traditional maritime crafts such as shipbuilding, fishing, and nautical skills. The workshops are tailored to all age groups, so even children can participate and learn more about fishing, nautical knots, and sailing. In addition to educational workshops, the program includes numerous promotional sailing and rowing activities where visitors can try their hand at these traditional pastimes.

Gastronomy and culture

The "Days in the Bay" festival is not only dedicated to boats and maritime tradition but also to rich Dalmatian gastronomy. Visitors will be able to enjoy "Dalmatian marenda," local dishes prepared according to traditional recipes, as well as taste local wines. This gastronomic offer further enriches the festival experience and provides guests with the opportunity to experience the benefits of the Mediterranean way of life through tasty dishes. This aspect of the festival highlights the importance of preserving not only maritime but also gastronomic heritage of Dalmatia.

Concerts and entertainment

Alongside the rich cultural and artistic program, festivals like this are always accompanied by musical events. The central concert of this year's "Days in the Bay" will take place on September 21, with the main star being Doris Dragović. Her performance at the legendary Tvrdalj Square, the historic castle of poet Petar Hektorović, will ensure a special atmosphere and connection with the historical and cultural context of the Old Town. Additionally, throughout the festival, numerous smaller concerts and entertainment activities are organized to complement the event's atmosphere.

Preservation of heritage and sustainability

One of the key messages of the festival is the importance of preserving maritime heritage and sustainable development. Through numerous exhibitions and lectures, the festival organizers aim to raise awareness about the need to protect the sea and the environment, as well as preserving traditional crafts. The festival is also an opportunity for the local community and visitors to actively engage in heritage preservation, whether through participation in workshops or simply enjoying the beauty of the tradition and nature surrounding the Old Town.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 September, 2024
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