Cres Seminary from August 5 to 7 brings history and tradition to life with an autochthonous products fair, concerts and workshops

The Cres seeds, which have been held since 1543, revive the streets and squares of Cres. Visitors will enjoy the autochthonous products fair, exhibitions, concerts and workshops, and explore the rich history and tradition of the island of Cres.

Cres Seminary from August 5 to 7 brings history and tradition to life with an autochthonous products fair, concerts and workshops
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Cres Fair, held since 1543, transforms the entire old town into a vibrant stage from August 5th to 7th. During this three-day event, the streets and squares of Cres become places of meeting, singing, and socializing, while the fair of indigenous products offers goods from local producers and guests from all over Croatia.

From August 5th to 7th, visitors can stroll through the streets, squares, and alleys of Cres, enjoy outdoor exhibitions, explore the rich history and tradition of Cres, visit the indigenous product fair, participate in tournaments, play bingo, taste Cres' gastronomic specialties, and be entertained by performances from TBF, Insula band, Teha choir, Burin choir, Versi band, jazz evenings, PachaMama Street Connection, and other performers.

The Cres Fair, locally called the fair, is tied to the feast of Our Lady of the Snows and was first mentioned in a decree of the Republic of Venice on August 14, 1543. It originally lasted a whole week, and the goods brought to Cres for sale were tax-free. It was later regulated by an imperial bull of Franz Joseph in 1828 and continued until World War II, after which the tradition was revived in the 1990s. Today, the Cres Fair is the highlight of summer events on Cres, and visitors can enjoy attractive concerts, tournaments, rich bingo games, exhibitions, presentations, and an indigenous product fair on the 20th of April Promenade.

The Cres Fair offers a rich history and tradition of Cres. In the streets, squares, and alleys of Cres, historical objects such as demijohns, wooden barrels, carts, pots, old tools, and other items are displayed. This open-air exhibition is made possible thanks to the Cres residents who gladly lent items to bring the tradition and heritage of Cres closer to the guests. This year, visitors will also be able to view an exhibition of old Cres postcards in collaboration with the Cres Museum and learn old Cres words and songs.

Indigenous Product Fair
The central event is the large indigenous product fair on the 20th of April Promenade. The fair gathers many local producers and guests from all over Croatia who will offer the best of their products. The fair will be accompanied by a concert by the Versi band.

In addition to the old town and Renaissance palaces, this year the Cres Fair will also open the city tower, which, with appropriate decoration, will host an exhibition of ceramics and photography "Celestial" by Bojana Vuksanović, and musical performances by Dianora Fučić in front of the tower.

On the Pjaceta square, on August 5th, there will be a performance by the Frane Petrić Elementary School "Boje da se selo zatare nego užance," which presents old Cres customs. On August 6th and 7th, there will be performances by accordionists under the guidance of Edo Flego and friends, and the square will also host the lavender fairies organized by Cres' Ruta, where visitors can learn more about sorting and felting wool. Every day at 8:00 PM, there will be workshops on felting fragrant lavender flowers.

The Renaissance palaces will also open their doors. The largest Cres palace, the Moise palace, in cooperation with the University of Rijeka, will offer guided tours during the three days starting at 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM, an exhibition "Homage to Cres – Nenad Martić," and jazz evenings with performances by Filip Flego, Vanja Čerić, and Boris Šargonje. Visitors will also be able to tour the Arsan palace, home of the Cres Museum, where the exhibitions "Heraldic Cres" and "Three Stories about the Arsan Palace" are displayed.

In the square in front of the Cres Museum, there will be a Renaissance program with a musical performance by Dario Sobol, while on August 6th, an old game of Trilja will be played. In front of the city administration, the Renaissance palace, there will be a part dedicated to island folklore – Orlec folklore with performances on the mehu by Mario Mužić and Toni Fučić.

During all three days of the event, visitors can join costumed guided tours through the history of Cres, starting at 8:00 PM in front of the city lodge. The city lodge will host the "Craft & Wine" art workshops on August 6th and 7th, organized by the Creart workshop, combining the historical motifs of the city of Cres, creativity, and top-quality wines. Prior registration is required to participate in the workshops due to the limited number of places.

This year, Mali Mandrać will be home exclusively to traditional wooden boats, which will sail through the Cres harbor on the evening of August 5th. In the Cons square, there will be an old-fashioned carousel for children and a blacksmith, and on August 5th and 6th, the atmosphere will be further heated by PachaMama Street Connection.

As a prelude to the Cres Fair, on August 4th, the St. Francis Monastery will host a traditional choir concert on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, with performances by the Teha and Burin choirs.

The Cres Fair will be opened on August 5th by the Mayor of Cres, Marin Gregorović, with a friendly gathering with citizens after the solemn morning mass in front of the Church of St. Mary the Great.

Before the Fair, Cres sports associations and clubs organize competitions in various sports. Awards and medals for the best will be presented on August 7th at 8:30 PM in Frane Petrić Square. Basketball, chess, sailing, children's fishing, and briškula and trešeta tournaments are opportunities for socializing and fun.

Organized by the Cres Pensioners' Association, an attractive and prize-rich bingo will be held on August 7th at 9:00 PM in Frane Petrić Square.

For great entertainment this year, the Insula band on August 5th, TBF on August 6th, and bingo and performances by the Teha and Burin choirs on August 7th will be responsible.

In addition to all these activities, workshops for children will be organized at various locations within the old town, where the little ones can learn to make traditional souvenirs from natural materials. Special attention will be paid to the ecological aspect, with many stands offering products made from recycled materials, promoting awareness of environmental protection.

The event is organized by the Cres Tourist Board with the support of the City of Cres and Kvarner Tourist Board.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 29 Juli, 2024
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