Lighting the first candle on the Advent wreath in Lovran and the holiday atmosphere in 2024

The lighting of the first candle on the Advent wreath in Lovran begins the holiday period in 2024. We invite all locals and visitors to join in the celebration of the first Sunday of Advent with a prayer and musical performance of the children's choir "Lovranske črešnjice". Together we will mark the beginning of the most beautiful time of the year.

Lighting the first candle on the Advent wreath in Lovran and the holiday atmosphere in 2024
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

With the arrival of December, Lovran is preparing for the beginning of the holiday season, and the central event of the Advent opening will be the lighting of the first candle on the Advent wreath. We invite all residents and visitors to join us on Sunday, December 1st, for the first Advent Sunday. After the evening Mass at 18:00, we will collectively light the first candle on the Lovran Advent wreath.

Symbolism of Advent Candles

The Advent wreath with four candles symbolizes the four Sundays of Advent, the period of waiting for the birth of Christ. Each candle has its own meaning:

  • First candle (Candle of Hope): Represents faith and hope in the coming of the Savior.

  • Second candle (Candle of Peace): Symbolizes the peace that comes with Christ.

  • Third candle (Candle of Joy): Represents the joy of the approaching Christmas.

  • Fourth candle (Candle of Love): Symbolizes the love that Christ brings to the world.

Program for the Advent Opening in Lovran

The program will begin with a prayer by the parish priest of St. George's Church in Lovran, Fr. Matija Rašpica, who will bless the candle and the gathered attendees. After that, the atmosphere will be enriched with a musical performance by the children's choir of the Viktor Car Emin Elementary School in Lovran, known as "Lovran's Cherries." The choir will be conducted by music teacher, Natalija Banov, who, with her dedicated work and love for music, has managed to create a choir full of talent and enthusiasm.

"Lovran's Cherries"

"Lovran's Cherries" are known for their emotional and technically demanding performances, and their repertoire includes a wide range of musical genres, from traditional Christmas songs to contemporary compositions. Their performance at the Advent opening in Lovran promises to be a special moment that will further enrich the festive atmosphere of our town.

Invitation to Unity

We invite everyone to join this ceremonial moment, share joy and unity, and enjoy the musical program that will lead us into the holiday season. May this beginning of Advent be the start of many beautiful moments that we will live together throughout December in Lovran.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 November, 2024
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