The motor race "Grand Prix Zelina" returns to ŠRC Sveti Ivan Zelina with an exciting program of races for scooters, old-timers and supermoto competitions

Join the motor race "Grand Prix Zelena" on September 1, 2024 at ŠRC Sveti Ivan Zelina. Enjoy adrenaline rides, thrilling races and support competitors in the categories of scooters, old-timers, speed bikes and supermoto.

The motor race "Grand Prix Zelina" returns to ŠRC Sveti Ivan Zelina with an exciting program of races for scooters, old-timers and supermoto competitions
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The "Velika nagrada Zeline" motorcycle race is once again gathering passionate motorsport enthusiasts this year, with the event scheduled for Sunday, September 1, 2024, at the ŠRC Sveti Ivan Zelina. This competition, which attracts participants from all over Croatia, offers an opportunity for competitors to test their skills in various categories such as scooters, oldtimers, speed motorcycles, and supermoto vehicles. Races will take place on a technically demanding track that stretches along Vladimir Nazor Street, which will be closed to traffic from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on race day.
Click here to view accommodation in Sv. Ivan Zelina

Preparations for the competition begin the day before, on Saturday, August 31, with technical inspections taking place from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Drivers without valid licenses will have the opportunity to obtain one-day licenses on Saturday or early Sunday morning. Access to the paddock will be allowed until 7:00 AM on race day, after which the road will be closed to everyone except participants and organizers.

Details on race categories
In the competitive section, drivers will compete in the following classes:
Oldtimer: This category includes vehicles divided into classes from 1 to 10, according to the year of manufacture and technical specifications.
Scooters: Races will be held in three different classes, depending on the power and modifications of the scooters.
Supermoto: A unique class where all supermoto riders compete regardless of the type of motorcycle.
Speedsters: A category for the fastest motorcycles, divided into classes of 125cc, 300cc, 600cc, and 1000cc, according to engine displacement. Visitor instructions
Due to expected crowds and the closure of Vladimir Nazor Street, visitors are advised to plan their arrival in advance and use alternate routes. Detailed instructions on alternative routes are available on the official website of the City of Sv. Ivan Zelina. The organizers have ensured all necessary safety measures to ensure the event proceeds without incidents, and visitors are asked to follow all safety instructions and guidelines.
Click here to view accommodation in Sv. Ivan Zelina

Special notes for drivers
Drivers are reminded of the importance of timely registration, which is open until Wednesday, August 28. Due to the limited number of participants, early registration is recommended to secure a spot in the race. Additionally, it is important to note that due to specific track conditions, extra caution is advised during both practice and the actual race.

Practical information
For any additional information or urgent inquiries, participants and visitors can contact the organizers by phone or WhatsApp at 0992233442. The organizing team is available for all questions and further information regarding the race and preparations.

The "Velika nagrada Zeline" motorcycle race not only brings together the best drivers and enthusiasts from Croatia but also contributes to the promotion of motorsport in the region. This event, with its rich program and exciting atmosphere, offers an excellent opportunity for all speed lovers to enjoy an adrenaline-filled weekend in the heart of Zelina.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 August, 2024
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