The first technological meeting named ZGBit was held at ZG Forum, organized by the City of Zagreb and the Information Technology and Technical Affairs Department. The goal of the meeting was to discuss digitalization in the City of Zagreb with the presence of experts.
The meeting was opened by Dražen Lučanin, head of the Information Technology and Technical Affairs Department, who introduced the topics and speakers of ZGBit.
Treasury Management System and Central Payroll
IT consultant Marko Rakar held the first presentation, focusing on the treasury management system and central payroll. Rakar explained the goals and implementation methods of this system set by the City of Zagreb through a public tender. The challenges of implementing this in an organization with more than 330 legal entities in a short period were also discussed.
Digitalization in the City of Zagreb
Mirjana Kutleša, head of the Database and Application Development Department, spoke about the digitalization process in Zagreb. She particularly emphasized the initiative to reduce paper usage and gradually transition to fully digital processes. Kutleša also presented the e-Scholarships platform, which enables the digitalization of applications for city scholarships.
Open Data and Support Program
Aleksandar Gavrilović from the Digitalization Working Group of the City of Zagreb spoke about open data and the new Small Value Support Program. The program aims to encourage the development of quality research, applications, and websites that use open data for various purposes, including informational, educational, cultural, and scientific.
ZGBit was an excellent opportunity to learn about digitalization and exchange expert opinions.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 13 Juli, 2024
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