The largest flight event in Croatia "Meetings for Rudy" brings a spectacular program with Rafale fighter jets and the acrobatic group "Wings of Storm"

Fans of aviation and visitors of all ages will not want to miss the 27th "Meetings for Rudi", a unique event in Gornja Stubica. This year, the event brings a special program with Rafale fighter jets, acrobatic performances and a rich offer of cultural and gastronomic events.

The largest flight event in Croatia "Meetings for Rudy" brings a spectacular program with Rafale fighter jets and the acrobatic group "Wings of Storm"
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Manifestation "Encounters for Rudi" held in Gornja Stubica each year gathers thousands of visitors, becoming the central event of the aviation and cultural scene of northwestern Croatia. This unique event is held in honor of Rudolf Perešin, a hero of the Homeland War, who became a symbol of resistance and bravery by defecting with a MIG-21 to Austria in 1991. The encounters have outgrown local boundaries and become a nationally significant event, thanks to a rich program that includes spectacular aviation performances, as well as numerous cultural, sports, and entertainment activities.

One of the key attractions of this year's, 27th "Encounters for Rudi", will be a special aviation program featuring Croatian Air Force, including the elite aerobatic team "Wings of the Storm", as well as aircraft from Hungary, Austria, and the United States. This year, visitors will have the chance to see the performance of the Rafale combat aircraft, which will demonstrate its impressive flying capabilities over Gornja Stubica for the first time.

The aviation program starts on Sunday, September 15, at 3:00 PM and includes aircraft flyovers from various parts of the world, parachute jumps from UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, and demonstrations by the Croatian Air Force and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A large number of visitors is expected, which is not surprising considering the event regularly attracts aviation enthusiasts and families with children, offering an experience rarely seen in these parts.

The event program begins on Saturday, September 14, with a concert by the Croatian Army Symphony Wind Orchestra, to be held at the Rudolf Perešin Memorial Park. Sunday is reserved for the formal opening of the Encounters with the laying of flowers at the Memorial Park, a mass at the parish church, and a sports race "Five for Rudi". After the exciting aviation activities, the evening will be rounded off with a concert by popular Željko Bebek and a DJ performance, ensuring a full day of entertainment for all generations.

Visitors will also be able to enjoy a rich gastronomic offer and a fair of local products, making this event attractive not only to aviation enthusiasts but also to those who want to experience the local spirit and tradition of this part of Croatia.

The event is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Defense, and the Mayor of Zagreb, further enhancing its significance and symbolism. This event is not only an opportunity to pay tribute to a Croatian hero but also to enjoy the cultural and entertainment content offered by northwestern Croatia.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 10 September, 2024
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