An unforgettable musical evening with Cubismo in Poreč attracted fans of Afro-Cuban rhythms from Croatia and abroad

As part of the Poreč Summer, the "Sounds of the Streets" program brought a Cubismo concert in the old town of Poreč, providing the audience with an unforgettable musical experience under the starry sky.

An unforgettable musical evening with Cubismo in Poreč attracted fans of Afro-Cuban rhythms from Croatia and abroad
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

As part of Poreč Summer, the "Sounds of the Streets" program brought a concert by the group Cubismo to Poreč on July 13th. In the pleasant atmosphere of the old town center, the audience enjoyed a two-hour concert under the open sky. This was an event that gathered many music and dance lovers.

Cubismo is a band that performs music based on Afro-Cuban rhythms, led by percussionist Hrvoje Rupčić. The band members come from Croatia, Venezuela, Cuba, and Slovenia, making them unique in this part of Europe. Their performances are known for energetic renditions that regularly get the audience dancing.

From the first beats, Cubismo had the audience dancing with their music. The combination of Afro-Cuban music, jazz, and other rhythms created a joyful atmosphere filled with positive energy. The audience danced to their hits, and the energy was so contagious that everyone present spontaneously embraced the rhythm.

The biggest hits of the evening
The highlight of the evening was the performance of the song "Tempera," which further thrilled the audience. The cheerful music and the nine-member team of top musicians created a true Latin American fiesta.

The members of Cubismo were delighted with the audience's reception, which further contributed to the special atmosphere. Their energy and love for music turned the entire space into a dance floor.

Organizer comments
"This concert showed that Poreč has the capacity to organize top cultural events, and the old town center is an ideal stage for such musical events," said the director of the Tourist Board, Nenad Velenik. The large turnout and positive reactions from the audience further highlighted the success of this event.

The evening before, on July 12th, the program began with an open-air cinema on the city beach, featuring the film "One Love" about Bob Marley, providing a unique audiovisual experience under the starry sky. The film explored the life and legacy of Bob Marley, further enriching the cultural offerings of Poreč.

These events highlight Poreč's commitment to providing its visitors with unforgettable summer moments filled with top-quality music, films, and other cultural content.

Event announcement
Today, from 9 PM in Olga Ban Park, the program "Magic is in the Air" will take place, where silk dancers will demonstrate incredible gymnastic-acrobatic skills in the air. The program will be enriched with stage lighting effects, magical music, and attractive costumes, providing visitors with an unforgettable experience. This program is ideal for the whole family, and the little ones will be especially thrilled!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 Juli, 2024
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