A night under the stars in Poreč: An exclusive event in the largest olive grove in the region with music, gastronomy and natural beauty

In the heart of Poreč, "A Night Under the Stars" was held in the largest olive grove in the region. This event combined music, gastronomy and natural beauty, giving visitors a unique experience under the open sky.

A night under the stars in Poreč: An exclusive event in the largest olive grove in the region with music, gastronomy and natural beauty
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

In the heart of Poreč, this summer, a special event called "Night under the Stars" was organized, taking place in Agrolaguna's olive grove in Červar. The olive grove in Červar, the largest in the region with more than forty thousand trees, provided the perfect backdrop for this unique experience of merging nature and culture.

This exclusive event allowed visitors to enjoy music, gastronomy, and natural beauty under the starry sky. The sound of the saxophone filling the olive grove added a sophisticated and relaxing tone to the evening, creating a perfect harmony with the surroundings.


A special moment of the evening was the opportunity to observe the Perseids, known as the Tears of St. Lawrence, one of the most popular meteor showers that light up summer nights. Guests could enjoy this natural phenomenon while tasting premium products such as award-winning Ol Istria olive oils and Špin cheeses, recognized for their quality and rich Istrian tradition.

They also had the opportunity to taste premium Festigia wines, raising the gastronomy of this event to high standards. Every bite and sip of wine was a true delight for the palate, making the event a real treat for all present.

One of the significant moments of the evening was the presentation of the new line of natural cosmetics Ol Istria, developed in collaboration with Esensa Mediterana. This line includes an innovative moisturizing cream with olive stem cells, whose ingredients originated from the olive grove where the event took place. This new dimension of merging gastronomy and cosmetics provided attendees with insight into Agrolaguna's innovative products.
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Nerina Zec, CEO of Agrolaguna, emphasized the importance of cooperation with the city of Poreč and the Poreč Tourist Board. "This event shows our connection with nature and the resources we use and preserve. We hope it will become traditional and spark interest in the products of the Istrian region at this unique location," Zec said.

Marina Slunjski, Marketing Manager of Agrolaguna, expressed satisfaction with the event's success. "We are extremely happy to have shared this special evening with our guests. We expect the event to remain in the memory of all present, and we look forward to future collaborations with the Poreč Tourist Board," Slunjski added.

"Night under the Stars" in Agrolaguna's olive grove was more than just an event – it was a manifestation of the beauty of Poreč, creating a perfect blend of nature, music, and premium gastronomy. This evening testifies that summer in Poreč can provide exceptionally romantic experiences that will last long in the memories of visitors.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 13 August, 2024
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