Unique evening in Njivice: sandi cenev and top chefs Matija Bogdan and Matija Pavlic at 7 Seas Restaurant & Bar on Krk

An unforgettable evening in Njivice on the island of Krk, where 7 Seas Restaurant & Bar will host Sandi Cenov with music and top gastronomy prepared by chefs Matija Bogdan and Matija Pavlic.

Unique evening in Njivice: sandi cenev and top chefs Matija Bogdan and Matija Pavlic at 7 Seas Restaurant & Bar on Krk
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

7 Seas Restaurant & Bar in Njivice, located on the picturesque island of Krk, is organizing a unique event combining gourmet cuisine and music on August 30th at 8 PM. This is an opportunity for all hedonism lovers to enjoy a special evening by the sea, within an exclusive program called Sunset Sessions. The restaurant, operating under Aminess Hotels & Resorts, offers an unforgettable experience that brings together top culinary experts and renowned singer Sandi Cenov.

An Evening with Sandi Cenov
Sandi Cenov, one of the most beloved performers on the local music scene, will kick off this special evening with his concert at 8 PM. His well-known hits will provide the perfect backdrop for relaxation and enjoyment of the delights offered by 7 Seas. Cenov is known for his romantic ballads and energetic performances that leave no one indifferent. This concert will take place outdoors, by the sea, further enhancing the atmosphere and ambiance. 

Top chefs bring the best of Adriatic cuisine
The gastronomic part of the evening will be taken care of by acclaimed chefs Matija Bogdan and Matija Pavlic, whose talent and experience guarantee a top-notch culinary experience. Matija Bogdan, with his experience gained in renowned European restaurants, brings an innovative approach to cooking. His dishes reflect a combination of traditional flavors with modern culinary techniques, focusing on the use of fresh, local ingredients. Bogdan's creativity and passion for gastronomy make him one of the leading chefs in Croatia. 

Matija Pavlic, on the other hand, brings a wealth of experience in preparing Adriatic specialties. His cooking style is based on simplicity and respect for authentic flavors, which is particularly evident in his approach to local ingredients. Pavlic is known for preparing each dish with special care and precision, adding a personal touch that delights everyone who tries it.

Tasting premium aperitifs from Aura Distillery
To make the evening even more special, a tasting of aperitifs from Aura Distillery, known for producing high-quality local spirits, has been organized. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy various aperitifs that perfectly complement the gastronomic experience of the evening. This tasting allows visitors to explore the richness of flavors and aromas offered by this renowned distillery.

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7 Seas Selection for Lighter Meal Lovers
In addition to the rich four-course dinner, guests have the option to choose a lighter version called the 7 Seas Selection. This option includes a selection of local cold cuts and cheeses, carefully designed for those who prefer lighter meals. A perfect blend of taste and quality, this selection offers an authentic experience of local cuisine, perfectly integrated into the ambiance of 7 Seas. 

Exclusive seaside location
7 Seas Restaurant & Bar is located in an ideal location right by the coast, where the sea waves meet the fine flavors of Adriatic cuisine. The restaurant is carefully designed to blend into the natural surroundings, creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere for all visitors. Given the exclusivity of the event and the limited number of places, it is recommended to reserve your spot in advance to ensure participation in this unforgettable evening. This is a perfect opportunity for those who want to spend an evening in a luxurious setting, enjoying top-quality food, drinks, and music.

Recommended accommodation nearby:

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 22 August, 2024
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