Discover the richness of Croatian tradition at the 17th Vukovar Ethno Fair: a unique experience of culture, handicrafts and local products

Visit Vukovar from 27 to 29 September 2024 and experience the Croatian tradition at the 17th Vukovar Ethno Fair. This event brings together the best craftsmen, handicraftsmen and food producers from all over the country, with a rich cultural program and indispensable gastronomic delights.

Discover the richness of Croatian tradition at the 17th Vukovar Ethno Fair: a unique experience of culture, handicrafts and local products
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

This September, Vukovar becomes the center of celebrating Croatian tradition with the 17th Vukovar Ethno Fair, which will be held from September 27 to September 29, 2024. At the central Republic of Croatia Square, visitors will enjoy a wealth of traditional crafts, handmade items, antiques, as well as indigenous gastronomic products from all corners of Croatia. The fair offers a variety of exhibits and sales of products such as handcrafted souvenirs, local wines, spice peppers, soaps, and many other products that preserve the heritage of Croatian cultural heritage.

One of the main goals of the fair is to promote local production and tradition, as evidenced by the Suncokret Rural Tourism Award from 2018. This prestigious award was given to the fair for its dedication to preserving cultural heritage and traditional crafts, which places Vukovar on the map of tourist destinations focused on Croatia’s intangible heritage each year.

Fair program

The fair opening will take place on September 27 at 10:00 AM with special children’s performances and various workshops, including the popular workshop for children “New look of autumn souvenirs.” Children will have the opportunity to express themselves creatively through making handmade items inspired by autumn colors. For gastronomy enthusiasts, Saturday brings the “Flavors of Croatia” gastro-manifestation, where chef Tomislav Špiček will prepare traditional dishes. This manifestation attracts many visitors each year, and this year an additional program related to craft beers and cultural-artistic content is expected.

Saturday’s activities also include the popular Vukovar Oktoberfest, where visitors can enjoy beer tastings along with performances by cultural societies, with the musical part of the program led by Lidija Bačić Lille, whose concert starts at 8:30 PM. A carriage ride through the center of Vukovar is also an unmissable attraction for all visitors who want to experience the spirit of bygone times and enjoy the authentic Slavonian ambiance.

Final day of the fair

On the last day, September 29, a creative workshop “Kids Creatives: Trace in Clay” will be held, intended for the youngest. Adults will be able to enjoy a free guided tour “Tourist in Your Own City,” organized on the occasion of World Tourism Day. The fair will conclude with the traditional annual concert of the Cultural-Artistic Society “Kolo,” which every year delights visitors with performances of traditional dances and songs.

More than a fair

In addition to exhibition and sales stands, the fair provides an opportunity to purchase local products and enjoy unique cultural-artistic programs. This year, the offer of catering booths is particularly attractive, where visitors can taste local delicacies and drinks. The working hours of catering facilities are extended, and visitors will be able to enjoy them from 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM during the two main days of the fair.

The fair organizers, the Tourist Board of the City of Vukovar and the City of Vukovar, along with numerous partners, have ensured that this year's edition is richer than ever, offering not only products and crafts but also cultural and entertainment programs for all ages. The fair has become an unmissable event for all tradition lovers, attracting more and more visitors from Croatia and abroad each year.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 14 September, 2024
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