Carnivorous nostalgia brings tradition and fun to Novi Vinodolski on July 5 and 6

Mesopusna nostalgija, a new program in Novi Vinodolski, brings a wealth of tradition and entertainment on July 5 and 6. Visitors will enjoy the display of customs, music, dance and a nostalgic atmosphere. Join parades and fun on two stages and rollerblading with a DJ at Ivan Mažuranić Square.

Carnivorous nostalgia brings tradition and fun to Novi Vinodolski on July 5 and 6
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Tourist Board of the City of Novi Vinodolski announces a new program called Mesopusna Nostalgia! Traditional masquerade parades will be replaced by the richness of tradition and entertainment throughout the city!

Mesopusna Nostalgia - Preserving Tradition
Friday, July 5, will be dedicated to showcasing the most beautiful customs and intangible cultural heritage protected by the Republic of Croatia since 2011. Mesopustari will walk through the Korzo of Croatian Defenders, greet the attendees, and then there will be a trial of Mesopust, reading of Žitka on the Vinodol Law Square, and playing of the Novljansko kolo with kolo singers. The goal is to convey the experience to visitors and encourage them to visit Novi during the winter months during Mesopust. A special invitation is extended to all citizens and visitors to dress in traditional costumes on Friday at 8:00 PM and join the procession, which will also pass through Korzo, and after Žitka, dance the kolo on the Vinodol Law Square. The program will be hosted by Irena Grdinić.

Entertainment on Two Stages
After the customs showcase, entertainment in the city will continue on two stages. On Frankopan Square, Cabaret Band and DJ will perform, while on Ivan Mažuranić Square, Klapa Intriga will perform. Children will enjoy the kids' corner, and the program will be complemented by Elio Bašan with his dancers on Frankopan Square, who will teach all interested in dance steps to be ready for the big disco the next day.

Saturday Disco Spectacle
On Saturday, the city will turn into a big disco with three stages and various content for all ages. A special atmosphere will be created by the Vespa Club from Novi Vinodolski and the Oldtimer Club Rijeka with their vehicles parked in the city center. On Vinodol Law Square, children will enjoy a kids' disco with music from the 70s and 80s, accompanied by costumed animators. Adults can enjoy performances by SuperCover Band and Groovers on Frankopan Square. The gastronomic offer and specially decorated photo spots will further enrich the event.

Rolly Park and DJ Boris
Ivan Mažuranić Square will be transformed into a Rolly Park with a DJ booth in the middle of the track. Roller skating to the rhythms of music from past times and DJ Boris will surely attract both the young and the old. We are returning to the 70s and 80s, a time beloved by many for its fashion, music, and expression. We invite everyone to pull out their vintage clothing pieces from the wardrobe and return to those times, and capture the moment with a photo they can send to the email address The most creative and cheerful photos will be rewarded!

Organizers and Support
The event is organized by the Tourist Board of the City of Novi Vinodolski with the support of the City of Novi Vinodolski, the Novljansko Kolo Chakavian Assembly, KUD Ilija Dorčić, the Center for Culture, the Association for Folk Customs Ledenice, the Klenovica Homeland Association, the Vespa Club Novi Vinodolski, the Oldtimer Club Rijeka, KTD Ivanj, TZ Kvarner and HTZ, and all the citizens who will participate and complete the event.

See you at the days of music, dance, and tradition in Novi Vinodolski!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 Juni, 2024
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