Due to the prolonged heat wave, the City of Zagreb Sports Facilities Management, together with city museums, will provide free admission to swimming pools and museums for all Zagreb residents during the upcoming weekend.
Free admission to the city pools will be available from Friday, July 19th, to Sunday, July 21st, 2024. Pools that will be available for free entry include SRC Šalata, Iver, SP Mladost, ZP Mladost, and BK Utrina.
Due to a sports competition, the Svetice pool will not be available this weekend, while the Jelkovec pool is currently closed due to regular annual maintenance.
In addition to the pools, Zagreb residents will be able to visit the air-conditioned city museums for free, including the Archaeological Museum, Ethnographic Museum, Museum of the City of Zagreb, and Museum of Contemporary Art. In these museums, citizens will be able to take refuge from the heat and explore rich collections and exhibitions.
In the event of new heat waves during the summer, the sports facilities management, city museums, and the City of Zagreb will consider the possibility of offering free admission to city pools and museums on other weekends, to provide citizens with refreshment and easier coping with the heat.
More information about working hours and offers of institutions is available on the websites of the museums and the Sports Facilities Management https://www.sportskiobjekti.hr/.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 17 Juli, 2024
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