Cheerful Bakar meetings with a concert by Mate Bulic and a night climb to Tuhobic during the July weekend

The last weekend of July in Bakar will be marked by traditional Bakar Meetings, with competitions and a free concert by Mate Bulic. The program also includes a night climb to Tuhobic and a dance evening "Copper Dances", and all events are free thanks to the sponsors of Margaret's summer.

Cheerful Bakar meetings with a concert by Mate Bulic and a night climb to Tuhobic during the July weekend
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The last weekend of July brings joy and fun to Bakar. As part of the traditional Bakarski susreti and with a concert by the popular singer Mate Bulić, the city will be full of events that will attract many visitors.

Competition in various disciplines
Bakarski susreti gather teams from all parts of the Bakar area, including Bakra, Hreljina, Krasica, Kukuljanova, Praputnjaka, Škrljeva, and Zlobina. This year, a guest team from Vrbovsko will also join them. Participants will compete in various skills such as target shooting, bowling, bocce, and jumping, ensuring lots of laughter and fun. This event is an ideal opportunity for locals to showcase their skills and enjoy friendly competition.

Time and place of the event
This year, Bakarski susreti will be held on Friday, July 26, at the Hroljevo field in Krasica, starting at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome, and the organizers invite citizens to join this cheerful event that promises a lot of laughter and good fun. Winning teams can expect symbolic prizes and recognitions.

Concert of Mate Bulić
After the competition ends, at 10 PM, a free concert by Mate Bulić, a popular singer known for numerous folk music hits, will be held on the same field. Bulić's performances always attract a large number of fans, and his energetic and emotional performance guarantees a great atmosphere. The songs he will perform will remind many of their youth and past days, while others will be encouraged to dance and have fun.

Performance of the band "Point"
After Mate Bulić, the band "Point" will take the stage and entertain visitors until the early morning hours. Their repertoire includes various musical genres, ensuring good fun for all generations. Visitors will be able to enjoy music, dancing, and socializing in a relaxed atmosphere.

Parking for visitors
Parking is provided for all visitors at the auxiliary field at Hroljevo, making it easier to arrive and stay at the event. The organizers have ensured that everyone has access to enough parking spaces, which is an additional reason to visit this event.

Saturday night climb to Tuhobić
On Saturday, July 27, a night climb to Tuhobić led by experienced guide Marko Sladić is scheduled. This climb offers a unique experience of hiking under the stars, ending with a beautiful view from the top. Interested parties must register via email:, as the number of places is limited. Organizers recommend bringing appropriate equipment and water.

Dance evening "Bakar pleše"
Sunday, July 28, is reserved for the final themed dance evening "Bakar pleše." This event is organized by the association "La Bamba" on the new square next to the pontoon promenade. The dance evening starts at 8 PM and is open to all dance and good fun enthusiasts. The program includes various dance performances, and all visitors are invited to join and dance.

Free programs
All programs during the weekend are free thanks to the numerous sponsors of Margaretino ljeto. The organizers invite all interested parties to take the opportunity and enjoy the rich program that offers something for everyone. Whether you are a fan of music, dance, or nature, this weekend in Bakar will not disappoint you.

See you in Bakar!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 25 Juli, 2024
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