Prime Minister Andrej Plenković expressed praise for the organization of the Grand Chess Tour SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia, which is being held in Zagreb for the fifth consecutive year. "In cooperation with Garry Kasparov, we are promoting Croatia as a global chess destination," he stated.
The Prime Minister participated in the award ceremony at The Westin Zagreb hotel, where he congratulated Grandmaster Fabiano Caruana on his outstanding play and wished him success in future competitions. He thanked everyone involved in the organization, highlighting the importance of the tournament for Zagreb. "We had the opportunity to watch top-notch chess games.
The Government of the Republic of Croatia proudly supports this tournament in cooperation with our friend and Croatian citizen Garry Kasparov, who has been carrying this idea for years," Plenković said. The Prime Minister emphasized that the Grand Chess Tour contributes to the popularization of chess, especially among young people and women. He pointed out that the tournament promotes the values of chess such as strategic thinking and decision-making and enjoying this noble game.
Fabiano Caruana dominates the tournament
Fabiano Caruana has excelled at the Grand Chess Tour this year, demonstrating his skills and tactics. His victory once again confirms his exceptional ability in chess.
Zagreb as a global chess scene
Zagreb has once again stood out as an excellent location for hosting prestigious chess tournaments. The city, with its rich history and culture, provides an ideal environment for gathering the world's best chess players.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 16 Juli, 2024
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