Holy Week Days in Ludbreg: rich tradition, pilgrimage and a diverse program that attracts visitors from all over Europe

The Holy Week days in Ludbreg bring a blend of spiritual and cultural heritage through a diverse programme that includes religious rituals, fairs, sporting events and musical evenings, attracting visitors from all over.

Holy Week Days in Ludbreg: rich tradition, pilgrimage and a diverse program that attracts visitors from all over Europe
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Holy Sunday Days in Ludbreg begin on Saturday, August 24, with the traditional Spiritual Music Festival "Duga," which gathers performers and spiritual music lovers from all over Croatia.

Ludbreg, known as one of the oldest and most important pilgrimage sites in Croatia, attracts a large number of believers and visitors every year. The history of this sanctuary dates back to 1513 when Pope Leo X recognized Ludbreg as a spiritual center by his decree. Holy Sunday in Ludbreg, traditionally celebrated on the first weekend in September, has become an unmissable destination for pilgrims and all those seeking spiritual fulfillment.

Colorful program for all ages
During the event, the town of Ludbreg becomes the center of various activities. In addition to the religious ceremonies that are the focus of attention, visitors can enjoy a range of cultural, musical, and entertainment activities. The streets of Ludbreg come to life through fairs, exhibitions, and concerts, creating a unique atmosphere that blends the spiritual and the secular.
Click to view accommodation in Ludbreg

This year, the program has been enriched with additional content that attracts all generations. For example, the famous Ludbreg Fair, which is usually held on Saturdays, will last the entire weekend, from Friday to Sunday. At the fair, visitors will be able to find traditional products, handicrafts, and enjoy local specialties. In addition, sports events have been organized, including competitions in various disciplines, and music evenings that will complete the experience for all present.

Ludbreg's Holy Sunday through history
Ludbreg's Holy Sunday has a long and rich history that spans centuries. Every year, thousands of pilgrims come to Ludbreg to participate in this great religious event, and the pilgrimage tradition has been maintained continuously since Pope Leo X recognized Ludbreg as a sanctuary. This recognition added to the significance of the sanctuary, and over the years, Ludbreg has developed into one of the most important spiritual centers in the region.


Organizers on this year's event
The organizers emphasize that this year's program has been designed to meet the needs and interests of all visitors. Although the religious program is the focus, the event also includes a series of accompanying events that offer entertainment and education. Ludbreg is expected to host numerous guests from Croatia and abroad this year, with a special emphasis placed on preserving tradition and promoting local culture.

This multi-day event not only gathers believers but also encourages tourism, contributing to the economic development of Ludbreg and the surrounding area. Every year, the event is enhanced with new content, making it increasingly attractive to a wider audience. Visitors thus have the opportunity to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of this area, but also to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere that characterizes Ludbreg during Holy Sunday.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 August, 2024
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