Chestnut Festival in Topusko 2024: celebration of chestnut harvest and autumn joys with family and friends

The Chestnut Festival in Topusko will be held on October 19, 2024, giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy the harvest of chestnuts, gastronomic specialties and socializing with family and friends. This traditional event celebrates autumn and local customs.

Chestnut Festival in Topusko 2024: celebration of chestnut harvest and autumn joys with family and friends
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

In the heart of the beautiful region of Sisak-Moslavina County, Topusko becomes the center of autumn joys with the organization of the traditional Kestenijada. This event, which will be held on October 19, 2024, celebrates not only the chestnut harvest but also the rich tradition of this area. The gathering of visitors is scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Jelačić spring, where all participants will have the opportunity to participate in the chestnut harvest under the expert guidance of experienced guides.

The Kestenijada event attracts visitors from all corners of Croatia, especially families with children looking for a way to enjoy nature and shared activities. Harvesting chestnuts in the company of family and friends provides an opportunity to create precious memories, and additionally, participants will learn about various types of chestnuts and their importance in local culture and cuisine. Guides will share advice on proper picking and use of chestnuts, further enriching the experience.

Alongside the harvest, the program will include various entertainment activities. At 12 p.m., visitors will gather for a social gathering where they will enjoy roasted chestnuts, homemade specialties, as well as games and music. This event provides an opportunity to relax and enjoy the warm autumn atmosphere, all accompanied by the sounds of tamburica and other musical ensembles that will contribute to the cheerful ambiance.

Gastronomy and Tradition

Kestenijada is not just a chestnut harvesting festival; it also celebrates the rich gastronomic tradition that includes various dishes prepared from chestnuts. Visitors will have the opportunity to taste specialties such as chestnuts roasted over an open fire, various desserts, and dishes like chestnuts in creamy sauces or as an addition to meat dishes. These delicacies allow visitors to familiarize themselves with the flavors of this delicious fruit that has been used in these areas for centuries.

The organizers of the event, including the Municipality of Topusko, the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Topusko, the Mountaineering Society of Topusko, and many other local associations, are making great efforts to ensure that Kestenijada becomes an annual tradition that brings the community together. This year, an even richer program is expected with additional activities such as workshops for children, competitions in quick chestnut roasting, and artistic and handmade crafts that will be displayed during the event.

History and Significance of Chestnuts

Chestnuts have always held a special place in the lives of people in this area. In the past, chestnuts were often used as a staple food during the cold months, and their nutritional value was invaluable for survival. Even today, chestnuts are considered a symbol of autumn, and the chestnut harvest in Topusko traditionally gathers families and friends, strengthening community bonds and connections to nature.

Besides being a gastronomic delight, chestnuts have important ecological significance. Chestnut trees play a crucial role in maintaining the natural balance, and forests rich in chestnuts provide habitats for numerous animal species. Due to their importance, the Kestenijada event also raises awareness about environmental conservation and the significance of forest resources, promoting sustainable tourism in the region.


Do not miss this unique opportunity to participate in Kestenijada in Topusko. The event offers a perfect opportunity for a family outing, enjoying nature, culture, and the gastronomy of this area. Not only will you have fun and enjoy delicious chestnuts, but you will also be part of a tradition that has been nurtured for generations. Kestenijada will surely be an event that will remain etched in the memory of all visitors, creating memories that will last.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 Oktober, 2024
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