Krk sails: rich history, nocturnal boat dancing and cultural events from 13 to 15 August in Krk

Krk Sails, an event with a long tradition, is held from August 13 to 15 in Krk. This event includes a night dance of boats, exhibitions of maritime motifs and performances of Krk City Music and Klapa Sv. Juraj.

Krk sails: rich history, nocturnal boat dancing and cultural events from 13 to 15 August in Krk
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Krčka jedra first set sail in 1998 thanks to the initiative of members of the Sailing Club "Plav" from Krk, the oldest sailing club on the Adriatic, founded in 1876. This multi-day event is rich in various activities related to the sea and maritime heritage of the island of Krk. Participants and visitors can enjoy workshops organized by the Interpretive Center for Maritime Heritage of the island of Krk, covering topics such as traditional shipping, shipbuilding, and fishing, providing everyone with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experiences.

One of the most notable events of the manifestation is the night dance of boats in the port of Krk. This unique presentation of traditional boats includes night sailing accompanied by light effects and live music, providing an unforgettable visual and auditory experience.

In part of the Šetalište sv. Bernardina, next to the Krušija wall, there will be an exhibition of maritime motifs "Krčka jedra - all the beauty of traditional boats", which will showcase attractive photos from last year's 26th Krčka jedra.

The entertainment program of the event on the Krk waterfront will be opened by the City Music Krk with its promenade performance. As one of the oldest musical associations in Croatia, founded in 1832, the City Music Krk has been enhancing numerous city events with its musical performances for more than 190 years.

On the eve of the Assumption of Mary, visitors will be able to enjoy the attractive night dance of boats with the performance of Martin Kosovec. This young singer from Zagreb gained popularity by winning the fourth season of The Voice Croatia, and is known for his interpretations of songs such as "My Way" by Frank Sinatra and "Tvoja zemlja" by Vice Vukov.

On the last day of the event, August 15 at 9:00 PM, Klapa Sv. Juraj will perform on the Krk waterfront. This klapa, founded in 2001, is known for performances of traditional klapa songs that exude love and pride. Their performance will be a special moment of the event, bringing harmonious sounds of the sea and tradition. Klapa Sv. Juraj has performed all over Europe and the world, and their discography includes eleven albums.

Event program:
August 13, 2024, TUESDAY
10:00 Opening of the maritime motifs exhibition in the port of Krk
10:30 Workshop and lecture on seamanship skills at the Interpretive Center for Maritime Heritage of the island of Krk
11:00 Presentation of the rich island maritime heritage of the island of Krk at the Interpretive Center for Maritime Heritage of the island of Krk
21:00 City Music Krk, Vela placa square

August 14, 2024, WEDNESDAY
16:00 Exhibition of traditional boats in the port of Krk
Educational and demonstration sailing for children and visitors on traditional boats in the port of Krk
Panoramic ride on traditional boats for visitors in the port of Krk
21:00 Martin Kosovec
Night dance of boats with light-pyrotechnic effects in the port of Krk

August 15, 2024, THURSDAY
12:00 27th Krčka jedra - review of traditional boats
14:00 Exhibition of traditional boats in the port of Krk
21:00 Klapa Sv. Juraj

August 13 - 15, 2024
Exhibition of photos with maritime motifs "Krčka jedra - all the beauty of traditional boats"


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 31 Juli, 2024
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