Bike race Jesenski Đir in Vinkovci: Enjoy the Autumn Joy on two wheels

On October 12, 2024, Vinkovci will host the "Autumn Tour", a cycling event that invites all lovers of two-wheeled riding. This event offers fun for the whole family, including games for children, and starts from Ban Šokčević Square. Log in to secure your t-shirt!

Bike race Jesenski Đir in Vinkovci: Enjoy the Autumn Joy on two wheels
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

In Vinkovci, on October 12, 2024, the "Autumn Ride" will take place, a cycling event inviting all cycling enthusiasts to join this joyful occasion. This event, held as part of the autumn celebration, begins at 11:00 AM at the Ban Šokčević Square and covers an interesting route that passes through several important streets of the city, including Duga, Borinačka, and Šokačka streets, all the way to the finish at the Tena farm, located on the northern edge of the city.

Family fun and activities for children

At the destination, "Tena Farm," participants can expect a diverse program, including games and activities for the youngest, as well as opportunities for socializing until 2:00 PM. This event is specifically designed to bring families and children together, and the Society Our Children Vinkovci organizes educational and entertaining games that do not involve a competitive character. This further encourages community spirit and a family atmosphere, making this cycling event a true occasion for all ages.

Details about registration and participation

Registrations for participation are open from September 30 to October 10, 2024, and the first 200 participants who register via the online form will receive t-shirts with the inscription "Autumn Ride." Those who were unable to register online can also register on the day of the event, October 12, between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM, at the Vinkovci Tourist Board stand located in the pedestrian zone. A large turnout is expected, given that the spring "Tour natur" attracted over 600 participants, which further motivated the organizers to relaunch this popular event.

Ensuring safety and notifications

Organizers warn that the "Autumn Ride" may be canceled in case of bad weather, and participants will be promptly informed about such changes. For any additional information regarding participation rules and registration conditions, participants can refer to the Vinkovci Tourist Board website, which provides all necessary information and updates related to this event. Additionally, organizers invite participants to monitor the weather forecast to ensure they can enjoy a pleasant ride and atmosphere.

Connecting with the local community

The "Autumn Ride" not only promotes an active lifestyle but also encourages the local community to get involved in various activities. Vinkovci is known for its rich culture and tradition, and such events contribute to strengthening community bonds among citizens. The Vinkovci Tourist Board continues to organize similar events throughout the year, further enriching the city’s offerings and promoting tourism in this part of Croatia.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 September, 2024
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