July events in Mrkopalj this year bring a multitude of interesting activities and celebrations. The organizers have prepared a diverse program that will satisfy all tastes and interests.
06 and 07.07. Cyrilovo in Sunger
The traditional celebration of Saints Cyril and Methodius will be held in Sunger, where visitors can enjoy a rich cultural program. Various performances, shows, and ceremonies celebrating these significant saints await you.
06.07. FILC & VINE, Zagmajna
The youth association "Little by Little" is organizing the FILC & VINE event in Zagmajna. This event combines art and wine, offering visitors the opportunity to enjoy local wines while viewing an exhibition of felted handicrafts.
20.07. Artfest – Arrival of Maria Theresa
Artfest brings the spectacle "Arrival of Maria Theresa", following a historical theme with a rich program and fair. Visitors will be able to enjoy displays of historical events and costumed performances that evoke the spirit of past times. A detailed schedule of events is available on the ARTfest poster at the TIC in Mrkopalj.
Call of the Fairies – Begovo Razdolje
Begovo Razdolje will host the Call of the Fairies event, featuring a fashion show, children's workshops, a roller skating race, and live music performances. This event is organized by Call of the Fairies Ltd., Hitomo craft, and the Music in Steps Association, providing entertainment for the whole family.
Small Soccer Tournament
The athletic track in Mrkopalj will host a small soccer tournament organized by the youth association "Little by Little". This competition attracts many sports enthusiasts and teams from the entire region, offering an opportunity for sports competition and socializing.
26.07. Artfest - Meeting of Klapa and Vocal Groups "Little by Little"
Under the starry sky of Mrkopalj, on the central square, there will be a meeting of klapa and vocal groups "Little by Little". The program starts at 8 pm, and among the performing groups are klapa "Porto Re", klapa "Liburnia", klapa "Iskre", klapa "Gradelini", and VS "DiM". This event promises an evening filled with beautiful vocal performances in a pleasant atmosphere.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 04 Juli, 2024
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