Theatrical performance Dead in Orebić brings humor and emotional turns through family conflicts, and the talent of the Drama Association Most from Trilj delights the audience

The play "Mrtvine", performed by the Drama Association Most from Trilj, will be held on October 4, 2024 in Orebić. This comedy explores family relationships and conflicts that arise after the death of Father Mate, all through humorous situations that reflect life in a small Dalmatian town. Admission is free, and the audience will enjoy an outstanding performance by talented actors. Join this unique theater experience!

Theatrical performance Dead in Orebić brings humor and emotional turns through family conflicts, and the talent of the Drama Association Most from Trilj delights the audience
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The drama group Most from Trilj proudly presents the theater play "Mrtvine," which will take place on October 4, 2024, in the hall of the Municipality of Orebić. The performance starts at 7 PM, and entry to the event is free. The organizers of this interesting cultural event are the Tourist Board of Orebić and AKU Kušin. This comedy deals with an intriguing twist in the lives of family members after the death of father Mate, who leaves behind a wife, daughter, sons, and daughters-in-law, leading to conflicts and unforeseen situations.

About the play "Mrtvine"

The play "Mrtvine" brings a humorous story that explores family relationships and conflicts related to inheritance in a small Dalmatian town. While reading the will, the family faces unexpected twists and funny situations arising from the different characters and their approaches to life. This drama emphasizes not only humor but also human nature, love, and rivalry within the family, creating a layered and interesting narrative that will surely amuse the audience.

Roles and creative team

The cast consists of experienced and talented artists, including the playwright Nada Lapić, who plays one of the main roles, and alongside her perform Anita Čović Pavišić, Dijana Ivić Kundid, Konstantin Prcela, Mirjana Dukić, Romano Tadić, and Katarina Jukić. These talented performers bring a special energy and dynamic to the stage, creating an incredible experience for all present. Their chemistry and ability to express emotions through their characters contribute to the overall impression of the performance.

Recognition and awards

"Mrtvine" has won the hearts of the audience and has been declared the best performance among the ten staged at the 5th Drama Amateur Festival of the Split-Dalmatia County. Additionally, the play has won awards for the best lead actress and best male role. These awards confirm the quality of the performance and the engagement of the actors, as well as the significance that this play holds within the local theater community.

Culture and community

Holding theater performances like "Mrtvine" is an important part of the cultural offer in Orebić, allowing the local community to engage in artistic events. These performances encourage the development of theater art in the region and strengthen social ties among residents. Moreover, the performances provide an opportunity to promote young talents and amateur groups that contribute to the richness of the cultural life of this beautiful part of Croatia.

We invite all theater lovers to come support local artists and enjoy an extraordinary comedy that will undoubtedly leave a strong impression. Don't miss the chance to be part of this unforgettable evening filled with laughter and drama!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Oktober, 2024
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