According to the latest data from the eVisitor system, Poreč achieved a magical number of one million tourist nights on June 26, 2024, matching the result from the same day last year. These tourism results clearly confirm the stability of the tourism offer in the city of Poreč.
From the beginning of 2024 until June 26, the Tourist Board of the City of Poreč recorded a total of 1,011,931 nights and 234,897 arrivals, which is identical to the result from 2023.
Nationalities and nights
Traditionally, German guests were the most represented with 254,968 nights, marking a decrease of 15% compared to the previous year, while guests from Austria with 222,775 nights maintained last year's level. Significant growth was noted among guests from Slovenia with 88,174 nights, an increase of 17%, while guests from Croatia had 94,216 nights, also showing an increase of 3%. Guests from Italy experienced a 9% decrease with 52,216 nights.
Accommodation segmentation
In terms of accommodation, the highest number of nights was recorded in hotel accommodation with an increase of 3%, while households experienced a 12% decrease. Campsites maintained last year's figures, while non-commercial accommodation saw a 3% decline.
Currently, Poreč hosts more than 20,000 guests.
Poreč continues to enhance its tourism offer to ensure every guest has an unforgettable experience during their stay. This result further motivates all stakeholders to continue developing tourism and promoting Poreč as a destination of superior quality. There is a particular focus on year-round tourism to stabilize tourist numbers throughout the year and ensure sustainable destination management, greatly aided by numerous sports events that Poreč can host due to its infrastructure.
“In the coming period, it is important to continue promoting Poreč in emitting markets, adapting the tourism offer to the preferences of our guests, and organizing events that can motivate visits and impact the stability of tourism traffic.” – emphasized Nenad Velenik, Director of the Tourist Board of the City of Poreč.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 Juni, 2024
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