Diverse events in central Istria: cultural events, concerts and gastronomic festivals from 12 to 18 August attract visitors

During August, Central Istria offers a rich program that includes cultural events, concerts, outdoor film screenings and gastronomic festivals. Visitors can enjoy sightseeing, performances of traditional music, and a variety of cultural events for all ages.

Diverse events in central Istria: cultural events, concerts and gastronomic festivals from 12 to 18 August attract visitors
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Central Istria is once again attracting visitors with a rich program of events from August 12 to 18, offering a mix of cultural events, traditional celebrations, and modern entertainment content. This week brings plenty of opportunities to enjoy various activities, from open-air film screenings to folklore performances and concerts.

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Events for St. Lawrence's Day
For those who have not yet decided how to spend the weekend, central Istria offers celebrations for St. Lawrence's Day. In Sveti Lovreč, from Thursday, August 8, to Sunday, August 11, there is a diverse program in the main square. Visitors can enjoy folklore performances, concerts, and a fair of local products. A special attraction will be the concert of Gustafi and Oberkreiner on Saturday, August 10, starting at 8:30 PM, and Sunday evening brings the theater play "Kako preživjeti punicu" by Teatar Naranča at 8:00 PM.

Musical evenings in Semić and Zabrežani
In Semić, visitors will be entertained by the Lucky Band on Saturday, August 10. For accordion lovers, the event "Armonike u polju" in Zabrežani on August 9 and 10 offers an opportunity to enjoy traditional sounds, with performances by the group Tequila and DJ Kriza.
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Exploring Central Istria
Free tours called "Central Istria Free Walk Tour" run until September 15, allowing visitors to discover the beauties of central Istria. Tours are held from Monday to Thursday, covering Pićan and Gračišće on Mondays, Pazin on Tuesdays, Sveti Petar u Šumi and Tinjan on Wednesdays, and Sveti Lovreč on Thursdays.

Open-air cinema and children's shows
Film lovers will be able to enjoy the "Open-air cinema," with film screenings such as "Expendables 4" in Pazinski Novaki on August 12, "Taste of Love" in Sveta Katarina on August 13, "Maya the Bee" in Boljun on August 14, and "Priscilla" in Pazin on August 16. Children will also be able to enjoy the shows "Tooth Fairy" on August 14 in Tinjan and "Little Scientists" on August 17 in Sveti Petar u Šumi.

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Celebrations of St. Roch and St. Mary
Pićan celebrates the feast of St. Roch on August 14 with a solemn mass and a cultural-entertainment program. The celebration includes performances by magician Luka Vidović and a concert by Klapa Rišpet, Lucky Band, and DJ Nikola from Kukurini. On August 15, a public holiday, celebrations of St. Mary are held in Kringa and Cerovlje, where Mambo Kings and DJ Kriza will entertain attendees.

Gastronomic Festival Hook & Cook
For lovers of good food, the "Hook & Cook" festival in Cerovlje on August 17 offers an opportunity to enjoy fresh fish delicacies prepared by top chefs. Visitors will enjoy music performances by DJ Nemanja and Gustafi, in a relaxed atmosphere by the coast of Bara.

We invite everyone to participate in the diverse program of events that central Istria offers. For more information and news about events, visit the website https://central-istria.com/hr/.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 August, 2024
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