Wine & walk Cestica 2024: discover the beauty of wine tastings and nature in these beautiful places

Get ready for an unforgettable event, Wine & walk, which will take place on October 12, 2024, in Cestica. This unique adventure combines premium wines, delicious homemade delicacies, and beautiful walks through nature. Join us for vineyard tours, tastings, and gatherings by the Drava River, all in the company of friends and wine lovers

Wine & walk Cestica 2024: discover the beauty of wine tastings and nature in these beautiful places
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

In Cestica, on October 12, 2024, the Wine & Walk event is being held again, which has become essential for all wine and nature lovers. This unique adventure combines the enjoyment of fine wines with active walking through beautiful landscapes, allowing participants to explore the local culture and gastronomy. It is expected that the event will attract a large number of visitors, not only from the Varaždin County but also from all over Croatia and abroad.

Wine adventure through nature

Participants will walk along a carefully designed route approximately ten kilometers long, leading through the picturesque hills of Cestica. During the walk, various tasting points will be set up where local winemakers will showcase their best wines. Besides wine, guests will have the opportunity to taste local specialties, further enriching the experience of this enogastronomic event. This year, winemakers from the municipality of Cestica will participate, as well as the "Vinea" winemakers' association from the neighboring municipality of Vinica.

Organization and participation

To participate, registration is required, and the entry fee is €40. The price includes a starter package containing a branded wine glass, a bag for carrying the glass, a route map, and wine and local delicacies tastings at all points. After completing the route, participants will gather at the final point where a closing party with a musical program will be organized, providing an opportunity to relax and socialize in a pleasant ambiance.

Popularity and significance of the event

The Wine & Walk event attracted great attention and positive reviews during last year's first edition, and the organizers believe that this second edition will surpass last year's success. The event not only promotes local winemakers but also contributes to the development of enogastronomic tourism in this part of Croatia, encouraging sustainable tourism practices. By combining outdoor activities with wine culture, Wine & Walk Cestica stands out as the perfect destination for anyone wanting to enjoy nature and fine wines.

Expectations are high, and participants will have the chance to create unforgettable memories while enjoying every step of this wine walk. At the end of the route, the question "When will we do it again?" is often heard, reflecting the popularity and success of this event. The event represents a blend of fun, enjoyment in nature, and the cultural richness of the region, making it a unique experience that should not be missed.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 September, 2024
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