The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development recently opened a call for applications for the "Cooperative Business Development" Program for 2024. The goal of the program is to provide financial support to cooperatives that wish to improve their competitiveness, increase the visibility of their products and services, and introduce innovations into their operations. The program is particularly focused on supporting technological innovations that can enhance the productivity and business results of cooperatives.
Under this program, cooperatives can apply for non-repayable funds in amounts ranging from a minimum of 3,000.00 euros to a maximum of 15,000.00 euros, which will enable them to invest in new projects or modernize existing operations. The total budget of the program is 267,000.00 euros, representing a significant incentive for the development of this sector. In addition to financial support, the program aims to create new jobs in cooperatives as well as to retain existing ones.
Applications for this program are accepted from September 6 to October 10, 2024, and applicants must complete the form and submit the appropriate documentation for their application to be considered. Cooperatives, as a form of entrepreneurship with strong social and economic roots, are a key part of the Croatian economy, and this program further encourages innovation, sustainable growth, and regional development.
The Ministry emphasizes the importance of using funds to increase the market share of cooperatives, which includes introducing new technologies and accessing international markets. Through this call, cooperatives will be able to adapt their operations to modern market demands and improve efficiency and competitiveness at both local and global levels.
Applications should be sent to:
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
Open public call for the "Cooperative Business Development" Program for 2024.
Ulica grada Vukovara 78
10000 Zagreb
More information about the application conditions can be found here.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 September, 2024
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