The program "Lifelong Education for Craftsmanship" enables the allocation of non-repayable funds intended to support specific educational programs for craftsmanship. The goal is to ensure quality and motivated personnel to increase the competitiveness, productivity, and growth and development of craftsmanship.
These funds can be used by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, including crafts, trading companies, cooperatives, and individuals.
Non-repayable funds are used to co-finance costs incurred in 2023 and 2024, including:
- acquiring education for performing associated crafts according to programs prescribed by the competent public authority for professions defined by the Ordinance on Associated and Privileged Crafts and the manner of issuing privileges ("Official Gazette", number 42/08)
- acquiring qualifications for the profession of undertaker
- passing the apprenticeship exam
- acquiring basic knowledge about teaching students
- obtaining/renewing a license for conducting apprenticeships in the event of a change of headquarters or mentor
The application form with the required documentation is submitted to the Ministry of Economy directly or by mail exclusively from 15.07. - 08.11.2024. to the address:
Application for the Open Public Call for the Program "Lifelong Education for Craftsmanship" for 2024
Ulica grada Vukovara 78
10000 ZAGREB
The open public call is open until the funds are exhausted, but no later than 08.11.2024.
More information about the call is available at the link
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 16 Juli, 2024
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