Technology Park Split opened: cooperation between the Government and the City brings new opportunities for young entrepreneurs and technological development

Yesterday, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic participated in the final conference of the Technology Park Split project. The €22 million project, funded in part by the ITU mechanism, will enable young people to develop innovative ideas and attract investors, strengthening Split's technological scene.

Technology Park Split opened: cooperation between the Government and the City brings new opportunities for young entrepreneurs and technological development
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Prime Minister Andrej Plenković participated yesterday in the final conference of the project for the construction and equipping of the central building of the Technology Park Split. The Prime Minister recalled that in 2018, the Government decided to allocate the space of the former barracks in Dračevac to the City of Split. This decision enabled the development of the Technology Park, which is an example of successful cooperation between the Government and local administration. The total value of the project is 22 million euros, of which 14 million is financed through the ITU mechanism.

Importance of the Technology Park Split
The Technology Park Split represents a crucial step in the development of the high-tech industry in the region. This center will enable young and innovative people to create their own companies, develop their ideas, and attract investors. Plenković emphasized that Split, in addition to its role as a cultural, university, tourist, transport, and sports center, will now have the opportunity to become a technological hub in the Adriatic and Mediterranean.

Since 2017, the City of Split has increased its revenues by 130 percent, from 47 million to almost 100 million euros. This increase is the result of the Government's local self-government financing reform, which has provided cities and municipalities with more funds to implement projects.

Financial Support from the European Union
Plenković emphasized that since Croatia joined the European Union, 630 million euros have been invested in the development of Split and its surroundings. In 2018, the Government adopted 37 points worth 261 million euros, of which 20 have been fully implemented. These projects include the construction of the Kozjak tunnel and the modernization of the vehicle fleet with 99 new buses acquired between 2019 and 2022.

Transport Infrastructure and Modernization
Relieving traffic congestion in Split is one of the Government's priorities. In addition to the Kozjak tunnel, 16 million euros have been invested in smart technologies for the public company Promet, contributing to the modernization and increased efficiency of urban transport. Plenković announced that the Government will continue to pursue a policy of balanced regional development, with a particular emphasis on education, from preschool institutions to university campuses and sports halls, with a total value of 2.7 billion euros.

Achievements in Utilizing EU Funds
Croatia is currently the leader among EU member states in terms of the speed of fund absorption. Recently, an additional tranche of 882 million euros was approved, bringing Croatia's net withdrawn funds to 16 billion euros since joining the EU. Plenković highlighted Croatia's strategic position within Schengen and the eurozone, which enables further economic growth and development of the country.

Project Dračevac
One of the key projects of the Technology Park Split is the development of the Dračevac zone, which includes the construction of the central building and the equipping of the facility. This project is financed through two related projects, with a total value of 21.87 million euros, of which 13.95 million euros are co-financed by non-refundable EU funds from the European Regional Development Fund. The Dračevac project will be a generator of entrepreneurial development for the entire Urban Agglomeration of Split.

Additional Projects and Plans
The City of Split is also working on the remediation of the Karepovac municipal waste landfill, aimed at improving the quality of life by reducing the harmful impact on the environment and human health. The project is worth 38.36 million euros. The introduction of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the Split traffic area is worth 12.76 million euros and is expected to significantly increase traffic efficiency and safety.

Finally, Split will soon begin the implementation of six major projects, including the arrangement of the Žnjan plateau and the construction of new traffic solutions, which will further improve the infrastructure and quality of life in the city.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 24 Juli, 2024
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