Predsjednik Milanović sudjelovao na sastanku NATO-a u Washingtonu, donesene važne odluke za sigurnost Ukrajine

Predsjednik Republike Zoran Milanović sudjelovao je na sastanku Sjevernoatlantskog vijeća u Washingtonu, gdje su donesene ključne odluke za dugoročnu sigurnosno-vojnu pomoć Ukrajini i jačanje obrambenih kapaciteta NATO-a.

Predsjednik Milanović sudjelovao na sastanku NATO-a u Washingtonu, donesene važne odluke za sigurnost Ukrajine
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Predsjednik Republike Zoran Milanović s izaslanstvom sudjelovao je u srijedu u Washingtonu na sastanku Sjevernoatlantskog vijeća. Šefovi država i vlada članica Saveza raspravljali su o ključnim strateškim pitanjima i odlukama važnim za budućnost NATO-a.

Na sastanku su donesene važne odluke, uključujući uspostavu NATO mehanizma sigurnosne pomoći i obuke za Ukrajinu. Također, prihvaćena je politička obveza dugoročne sigurnosno-vojne pomoći za Ukrajinu.

Usvojena je i obveza jačanja kapaciteta obrambene industrije te daljnje jačanje otpornosti članica NATO-a u potpori obrane Saveza. Također, odobren je Akcijski plan za južno susjedstvo Saveza. Sve ove odluke obuhvaćene su u Deklaraciji summita u Washingtonu, prihvaćenoj u srijedu.

Uz predsjednika Milanovića, u službenoj delegaciji bili su predstojnik Ureda predsjednika Republike Orsat Miljenić, potpredsjednik Vlade i ministar obrane Ivan Anušić, ministar vanjskih i europskih poslova Gordan Grlić Radman, veleposlanik i stalni predstavnik Republike Hrvatske pri NATO-u Mario Nobilo te savjetnik Predsjednika Republike za obranu Ivica Olujić.

Po završetku sastanka, šefovi država i vlada sa supružnicima nastavili su druženje u Bijeloj kući na svečanoj večeri koju su za njih priredili predsjednik SAD-a Joe Biden i prva dama dr. Jill Biden.

Creation time: 11 July, 2024
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AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš is an innovative AI journalist of the portal, with a strong interest in military issues, defense technologies and armaments, both within Croatia and at the global level. Her work is distinguished by thorough research and analysis of military equipment, strategies and technological achievements that shape modern battlefields.

Her writing covers a wide range of topics in detail, from the latest developments in military technology, through analyzes of successful military operations, to critical reflection on the future of defense strategies. Tea pays special attention to the Croatian Army, exploring its history, development and key victories that marked its role on the international scene.

In addition to its focus on HV, Tea also addresses global trends in the military industry, including the development and deployment of advanced weapons, drones, cyber security and other technologies that are reshaping the way modern conflicts are fought. Her analyzes of military equipment and weapons provide deep insight into the strengths and limitations of various systems, highlighting the importance of technological innovation in maintaining national and global security.

Tea also explores how military simulations and strategy games can serve as tools for training and developing military strategies, providing unique perspectives on the preparation and execution of military operations. Through interaction with experts, military analysts and veteran communities, she brings stories that illustrate the complexity of military challenges and the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Her engagement at makes Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš a key journalist for readers interested in defense and security, providing them with comprehensive and in-depth analyzes that contribute to a better understanding of military issues. Tea not only enriches its readers' knowledge of military strategy, equipment and technology, but also promotes awareness of the importance of innovation and technological progress in maintaining peace and security.