Discover Gorski Kotar by bike - cycling adventure 2024

Discover Gorski Kotar by bike: enjoy nature, tradition and cycling adventure on the Gorski Kotar Bike Tour 2024

Gorski Kotar Bike Tour is celebrating its 12th edition, inviting cyclists to discover the beauties of Gorski Kotar, enjoy riding through forest trails and mountain roads, and participate in the celebration of 150 years of tourism in Fužine.

Discover Gorski Kotar by bike: enjoy nature, tradition and cycling adventure on the Gorski Kotar Bike Tour 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

For many years, Gorski Kotar has attracted numerous nature lovers, mountain air enthusiasts, connoisseurs of authentic Gorski delicacies, and active vacationers.
It is particularly popular among cyclists who traditionally gather every July to enjoy riding on two wheels through this beautiful region.
The Gorski Kotar Bike Tour, the most significant cycling event in Croatia, celebrates its 12th edition this year thanks to cyclists who consider this area their second home.

This year, the tour starts in Zdihovo, at the easternmost point of Gorski Kotar.
The novelty of this year's edition is the ride through neighboring Slovenia along the Kupa River and the celebration of 150 years of organized tourism in Fužine.
The cycling base will be in Ravna Gora, where during the tour, the traditional Blueberry Days will take place, offering a rich gastronomic and entertainment program.

Participants will once again choose their accommodation, without organized joint accommodation.
The accommodation offer in Ravna Gora and the surrounding area is tailored to different needs and preferences, ensuring a pleasant stay for all visitors.
Cyclists can choose to participate for one, two, or all three days of the tour, and the registration deadline is until July 1, 2024, at

Activity Plan
This year, the route of the cycling tour will cover the most beautiful parts of Gorski Kotar, including rides through forest trails, mountain paths, and along rivers.
Special attention will be paid to the safety of participants, and there will be service stations for bike repairs and refreshment points.

Cultural and Gastronomic Offer
As part of the Gorski Kotar Bike Tour, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy cultural and gastronomic events.
The Blueberry Days in Ravna Gora bring a variety of blueberry delicacies, and visitors will be able to enjoy tastings, workshops, and entertainment programs.

Registration and Participation
To participate in the Gorski Kotar Bike Tour, cyclists can register through the official website.
Registrations are open until July 1, 2024, and participants can choose between one-day, two-day, or three-day participation.
The organizers invite all cycling enthusiasts to join this unique event and experience Gorski Kotar in the best possible way.

Creation time: 23 June, 2024
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