Campaign for the protection of animals against illegal trade

Global animal protection organizations campaign against the illegal trade in endangered species

The World Animal Protection Organization has launched an extensive campaign to counter the illegal trade in endangered species. This initiative emphasizes the importance of biodiversity conservation and cooperation between countries in the fight against wildlife smuggling.

Global animal protection organizations campaign against the illegal trade in endangered species
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Campaign of the World Organization for the Protection of Animals Against Illegal Trade

The World Organization for the Protection of Animals has launched an extensive campaign against the illegal trade of endangered species, aimed at protecting biodiversity and reducing the risk of future pandemics. This initiative, which brings together ten leading organizations, emphasizes the importance of breaking the criminal supply chains that exploit wildlife and natural resources around the world.

Illegal wildlife trade is one of the biggest threats to the survival of many species and seriously undermines the stability of ecosystems. Every year, millions of wild animals are captured, bred, and sold around the world for various purposes such as food, traditional medicine, pets, and souvenirs. According to reports, as much as 72-90% of illegally traded animals, including live animals, plant products, and animal parts, are smuggled via maritime routes, demonstrating the importance of involving the maritime industry in combating this type of crime [8].

International Cooperation Stops Criminal Chains

Ten international organizations have joined forces to counter the illegal trade of wild animals through an initiative led by the Council for Maritime Transport, supported by the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Programme for Animal Welfare, and in collaboration with TRAFFIC and the World Wildlife Fund [7]. This coalition has issued practical guidelines for all participants in the supply chain, aiming to raise awareness and prevent the smuggling of wild animals. Maritime transport is exposed to such activities due to the large quantities of goods transported by sea, and criminals exploit weaknesses in global supply chains to smuggle prohibited items.

The initiative emphasizes that shared responsibility and cooperation are key in the fight against illegal wildlife trafficking. All parties involved in the supply chain, especially those handling goods for packaging or transport, must take proactive steps to prevent illegal shipments. This includes verifying the legality of cargo, properly sealing shipments, conducting risk assessments, and promptly reporting suspicious activities to national authorities [7].

Health and Ecological Security Risks

The global trade in wild animals has a significant impact not only on the survival of animal species but also on human health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, wet markets and wildlife trade were linked to the spread of zoonotic diseases, leading to global public health consequences. More than 75% of new or emerging infectious diseases affecting humans originate from animals, primarily wild ones [8].

To prevent future pandemics, it is essential to close wildlife markets and limit illegal trade. The European Parliament recently called for an end to illegal trade in wild animals by 2025 and highlighted the need for better law enforcement and greater penalties for non-compliance with regulations. The Parliament also requested an immediate ban on the import of trophies from endangered animals on the CITES list [9].

Operation Thunder: Global Success in the Fight Against Smuggling

As an example of increasing international cooperation in stopping the trade of endangered species, Interpol recently conducted "Operation Thunder 2022," in which police, customs services, financial intelligence units, and agencies for the protection of forests and wildlife from 125 countries participated. During the operation, nearly 2,200 different shipments were seized and more than 930 suspects were identified, leading to a series of arrests and investigations related to illegal trade in protected animals and timber [11].

Numerous animal specimens were seized, including 119 big cats, 34 primates, 25 rhino horns, and over 1,000 reptiles. This operation illustrates the significant efforts that the international community is making to prevent illegal trade that threatens biodiversity as well as public safety [11].

Next Steps

To ensure the long-term protection of animals seized in illegal trade, CITES has announced plans to improve care for these animals once they are confiscated by authorities. This includes assessing current reporting practices regarding seizures and the fate of the animals, as well as developing questionnaires to evaluate the usefulness of existing guidelines on when and how to return animals to the wild or keep them in captivity [10].

These positive initiatives are expected to be presented at the next meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, and the results will be displayed at the next Conference of the Parties. Working together, members of the Species Survival Network, along with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), will continue to support efforts to protect wildlife [10].


Hora de creación: 03 noviembre, 2024

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