The discovery of an 18th dynasty royal tomb near Luxor: a significant archaeological discovery from the New Kingdom

An Egyptian-British archaeological team has discovered a 3,500-year-old ancient royal tomb near Luxor, opening up a new perspective on the life and role of royal women in the New Kingdom.

The discovery of an 18th dynasty royal tomb near Luxor: a significant archaeological discovery from the New Kingdom
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Discovery of the Royal Tomb Near Luxor

In the latest archaeological discovery, a team of Egyptian and British researchers uncovered a royal tomb dating back approximately 3,500 years near Luxor, in Wadi Gabbanat el-Qurud, in close proximity to the Valley of the Kings. According to initial findings, the tomb dates back to the 18th dynasty, a period known as the New Kingdom, which is considered one of the most prosperous periods of ancient Egypt. The discovery sheds new light on the lives of royal individuals during that time, especially women in high positions, which may include the tombs of royal wives or princesses from the Thutmose dynasty.

The tomb, located on the west bank of the Nile River, was uncovered by an archaeological team from Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, together with a research team from the University of Cambridge. The area where the tomb was found is known as the Luxor necropolis and is located near the famous Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. The tomb underwent several modifications immediately after its construction, and frequent flooding throughout history caused serious damage to the internal structure, including the collapse of ceilings and the destruction of many inscriptions.

Details of the Discovery and Archaeological Research

Archaeologists have found a whole range of artifacts, including statues, a burial mask, and sarcophagi, some of which are incredibly well preserved. One of the most spectacular items discovered is a wall painting that still retains vibrant colors, as if it were painted yesterday. According to the statement of Mostafa Waziry, the Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, the research indicated that the tomb was likely used for the burial of members of the royal family, probably a great royal wife and several children of one of the kings from the Thutmose dynasty.

Thutmose III, who is believed to have been a child of two years when he became king, ruled alongside his stepmother Hatshepsut, a woman who assumed the role of regent and later co-ruler. During their joint reign, a temple was built at Deir el-Bahari, and Egypt successfully conducted an expedition to a place known as Punt, which may have been located in East Africa.

Artifacts and Further Research

The tomb, which has so far been partially filled with hard layers of sediment caused by ancient floods, will require several seasons of work to be fully cleared and made safe for further research. Along with the discovered artifacts, including sarcophagi and ceramics, the archaeological team also uncovered fragments of inscriptions suggesting the presence of several individuals within the tomb. It is assumed that this was a tomb of significance, as it is located near the Valley of the Kings, where many prominent rulers of ancient Egypt were buried.

Piers Litherland from the University of Cambridge, who leads the British research mission, stated that initial findings suggest the tomb belonged to members of the royal family, possibly a royal wife or a princess from the Thutmose dynasty. This discovery comes at a time of intensified archaeological research in Egypt, which is trying to revive tourism after this industry has taken heavy hits due to political instability and the COVID-19 pandemic. Discoveries like this from Luxor serve as a strong incentive for the tourism industry, which accounts for about 10 percent of Egypt's GDP and employs more than two million people.

Ongoing Research and Potential Findings

Further research is ongoing to uncover all the secrets of this tomb, and archaeologists expect to discover more artifacts and possibly a more precise identification of the individuals buried within it. Waziry stated that this is just the beginning of what could be one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in recent years in Egypt. Alongside the discoveries of other tombs in Luxor and necropolises further south, Egypt is trying to maintain global attention and emphasize the importance of its archaeological heritage, not only for scientific purposes but also as a crucial part of cultural tourism in the country.

The tomb in Wadi Gabbanat el-Qurud represents an important piece of the puzzle for understanding ancient Egypt, especially the role of women in the royal family and their influence during the reign. This discovery provides new insights into everyday life, rituals, and the art that characterized the period of the 18th dynasty, a period that shaped the history of Egypt in many ways.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 01 November, 2024
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