Romantic week in Nin: festival of love and history in the beautiful royal city of Nin from 6 to 11 August 2024

A romantic week in Nin, from 6 to 11 August 2024, offers a unique experience for couples in love with many attractions, historical sites and a prize contest for creative visitors.

Romantic week in Nin: festival of love and history in the beautiful royal city of Nin from 6 to 11 August 2024
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The royal town of Nin, which has been celebrating the Festival of Love for ten years since it earned the title of one of the most romantic destinations in Europe, proudly announces the Romantic Week to be held from August 6 to 11, 2024. Situated in a lagoon, Nin offers an experience filled with romance and enveloped in rich history. With its cultural heritage and natural beauty, this place is perfect for lovers. This year's event promises unforgettable moments for all visitors, whether you are a couple or looking for a soulmate.

Romantic atmosphere of the town
During the Romantic Week, the entire Nin becomes a place filled with a special atmosphere. Romantic arches, kissing spots, memory wall, love bridge, and many other attractions create an inspiring scene for romantic hearts. The streets of the historic town on the island immersed in the lagoon invite you to embrace your loved one, dance to romantic music, and explore hidden corners rich in history.

Evening parties
Every evening, romantic entertainment nights offer the opportunity to enjoy music, dancing, and numerous activities. Discover romantic scenic points like kissing spots under romantic arches, kissing benches, and kiss points. Take the most beautiful photo of this summer and share it with friends, and participate in competitions to win prizes.

Prize competitions
We invite all visitors to awaken their creativity and participate in the prize competition. Make a video lasting 0.30 to 1 minute that shows the magic of the Romantic Week in Nin, including decorative elements throughout the ancient town. Send your video to and you have the chance to win a romantic dinner for two or one of the other attractive prizes offered by Nin's restaurateurs and community members.

Additional information about Nin
Nin is known for its historical landmarks such as the Church of the Holy Cross, often called the "smallest cathedral in the world", and ancient Roman remains such as the 2nd-century mosaic. Visitors can explore the Nin Museum and learn more about the rich history of this area. Also, the nearby Queen's Beach offers beautiful sandy shores and the clear, crystal Adriatic, ideal for romantic walks and relaxation.

How to get to Nin
Nin is located just 15 km northwest of Zadar, and is easily accessible by car, bus, or bicycle. Due to its proximity to Zadar, visitors can combine a visit to Nin with exploring the Zadar region, known for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 31 Juli, 2024
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