Paul McCartney returns to Paris for two unforgettable concerts at La Défense Arena - buy tickets now!

Paul McCartney will perform two spectacular concerts at Paris La Défense Arena on December 4th and 5th, 2024. Don't miss the chance to experience the music legend live and buy your tickets today!

Paul McCartney returns to Paris for two unforgettable concerts at La Défense Arena - buy tickets now!
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Paul McCartney returns to France!
After more than six years, the legendary Paul McCartney returns to France to perform two spectacular concerts at the Paris La Défense Arena on December 4 and 5, 2024. These concerts are part of his world-renowned "Got Back" tour, which began in the USA in 2022 and continued worldwide, including Australia, Mexico, and Brazil.
Buy tickets for Paul McCartney at Paris La Défense Arena

An unforgettable experience
Paul McCartney is one of the most successful songwriters of all time, and his concert is an event not to be missed. With hits like "Hey Jude," "Live and Let Die," "Band on the Run," and "Let It Be," McCartney's performance offers hours of top-notch music that has shaped the past 60 years.

In his statement about returning to Paris, Paul McCartney said: "I can't wait to return to Paris. We've had so many incredible concerts in France, and it's always exciting to play there. I know this will be another incredible adventure full of surprises and fun. I can't wait to see you and rock together."
Buy tickets for Paul McCartney at Paris La Défense Arena

A tour not to be missed
The "Got Back" tour, which began in 2022, has already received reviews calling it "the best concert ever" after the historic performance at Glastonbury. McCartney continued with 18 concerts during 2023, including performances in Australia, Mexico, and Brazil. Now, this extraordinary musician brings his show to Paris, where he will perform in the largest indoor arena in Europe, Paris La Défense Arena.

Concerts in this arena promise a unique experience, with top-notch acoustics, comfortable seating, and modern amenities. Paris La Défense Arena is known for its ability to host the world's biggest stars, providing visitors with unforgettable experiences.
Buy tickets for Paul McCartney at Paris La Défense Arena

Tickets and packages
Tickets for these concerts are already available, with prices starting from 56.50 euros. Standard packages for both dates are also available, but they are selling quickly. Secure your spot in time to experience this incredible musical evening with one of the greatest musicians of all time.

For those seeking a special experience, VIP packages are also available, including exclusive access to VIP areas, special entrances, and other perks that will make your evening even more special.

Buy tickets for Paul McCartney at Paris La Défense Arena

Practical information
Paris La Défense Arena is located in Nanterre, in the heart of the Île-de-France region. This modern arena is known for its top-notch facilities and a capacity of 40,000 people, making it the perfect place for a big event like this. Visitors can expect excellent acoustics, comfortable seating, and a wide range of services including food, drinks, and souvenirs.

Additionally, the arena offers excellent public transportation connections, making it easily accessible to visitors from all parts of Paris and the surrounding area. If you are planning a trip, there are numerous hotels and accommodation options nearby to ensure your stay is pleasant and stress-free.
Buy tickets for Paul McCartney at Paris La Défense Arena

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this incredible event and enjoy Paul McCartney's music live. Buy your tickets today and get ready for an evening full of musical hits and unforgettable moments.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 28 Juli, 2024
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